Online-Marketing, today was a very long day

Hi Online-Marketing,

Early this morning I discovered a suspicious
lump on one of my little dog’s tummy, and I
also needed to drive into Los Angeles – not
a place I frequent – to take a family member
to see a specialist after his car accident.
So here it is eleven hours later and I am
just sitting down to do some work.

I’m not sure how I did it when I had a job
and worked part-time in real estate. So if
you are learning what you need in order to
leave your job and become an entrepreneur,
here’s to you and your great success!

= = = = = = = =
Here are a few inexpensive, yet very valuable
trainings you won’t want to miss…

Will you join me for a five day “smart content
curation challenge”? The super smart Kelly
McCausey is guiding us through this at:
[$27 Includes Her Super Guide and More]

= = =
How about a Digital Affiliate Marketing group
with the awesome and authentic Tiffany Lambert?

10 Day Digital Affiliate Marketing Private Challenge
[$20 for Everything Tiffany’s Teaching AND a Private Group]
= = =
Finally, the brilliant and bubbly Dennis Becker has
licensed the rights to Tony Shepherd’s concise guide

“The Real Truth About How to Make (Actual,
Countable, Spendable) Money from PLR and
White Label Rights Content”
[Just $12 Takes This One Home, Folks]
= = =

Why do I describe the above named people as being
“super smart”, “awesome and authentic” and also
“brilliant and bubbly”? Because I only hang with
those who excel in all ways and deliver to you
in the way I believe is necessary for your success.

It takes confidence, competence, and consistency
to become great as an entrepreneur, and these people
have shown me time and again they have what it takes
to help you move to the next level in business.

Email me any time, as I’m putting (more…)

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Hi Online-Marketing,

Today is the second day of the Best Sellers Summit.
I was honored to be one of the presenters yesterday,
as I’ve been for the past three years. Just putting
together a three day virtual event like this one is
a massive undertaking, and Ron Douglas and Alice Seba
make it all come together seamlessly.

But did you know that in addition to attending this
event, you may also purchase the private label rights
to it? It includes the Resell/Branding Rights and full
Premium Access.

The Resell/Branding and Editing Rights to all three
days of the video recordings, enhanced transcripts,
and notes are almost priceless. There are fifteen
presenters in all, and everyone is known online and
beyond as an expert and authority on their topics.

I know you’re weary from me telling you how much
things cost back in the day, but the truth is that
I and many others used to spend five to ten times
as much for resell and private label access to the
virtual summits and other events when I was a new
entrepreneur. This is an excellent opportunity.

You could set up a fixed-term membership site and drip
these out once a week for four months.

You could host your own virtual event and use these
as bonus trainings for each of your guests.

You could sell each one individually as a stand alone

Purchase the Resell/Branding and Editing Rights and
I will help you set it up during the next four to six
weeks. Now that’s an opportunity!

And also happening today…

Tamara Monosoff has a no cost training at 1 pm ET.

“5 Surprising Ways to Radically Boost Your Income with Your Book!”
with Tamara Monosoff.

Register at:
[Tuesday at 1 pm ET]

Tamara is a book marketing expert and the creator of the
“Author-to-Income Formula” training, so please do not
miss out on this complimentary webinar training.

All of the details are on that page. Even if you are
unable to attend live, if you (more…)

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Hi Online-Marketing,

Please join me today for the Best Sellers Summit.
My session is at noon ET and I promise to deliver
information you can use right away in your business.

This live event is three full days, and I will be
there right alongside you to learn from publishers,
entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and others on how
to use your book to catapult you to a new level.

This is an Exclusive 3-Day Interactive Online Summit
for authors and information product creators to be
able to fast track your success. For the third year
in a row, Alice and Ron have gathered us together
for more than sixteen hours of interactive training.

Will you be joining me? I’m recommending the Premium
Notes and Recording Package for $47 at:

= = = = = = = =
Also worthy of your time, and at no cost to you:

“5 Surprising Ways to Radically Boost Your Income with Your Book!”
with Tamara Monosoff.

Register at:
[Tuesday at 1 pm ET]

Tamara is a book marketing expert and the creator of the
“Author-to-Income Formula” training, so please do not
miss out on this complimentary webinar training.

All of the details are on that page. Even if you are
unable to attend (more…)

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Online-Marketing, is this valuable or a waste of your precious time?

Hi Online-Marketing,

What I’m talking about today is spending time on
webinars, telesummits, and live trainings. Is this
something that can help you grow your own business
and a worthwhile use of your time?


Back when I got started in 2006, very ancient times
in comparison to what we have available to us today,
I attended every live call and training I possibly
could. This gave me a connection to people I still
work closely with today, as well as training on the
topics and areas I wanted to incorporate into my
new online business.

Here are a couple of these for you…

= = = = = = = =
The hottest ticket in town is to the 2018 Best Sellers
Summit, hosted by Alice Seba and Ron Douglas for the
third year. I’m back again as a speaker and promise to
share something I have never taught before in a public
forum. It’s a time proven strategy for creating your
next income stream that is simple and joyous.

You may join for as little as $17, and please look at
the other offers as well. We begin on Monday and I’ll
be teaching my proven strategy in an entirely new way!

I’m surrounded by a “Who’s Who” of successful authors,
publishers, and entrepreneurs, so please join us at:

= = = = = = = =
Recently I took time to catch up with Tamara Monosoff,
one of the nicest and most business savvy people working
online today. She has even worked in the White House! Be
sure to register as my guest for her webinar on Tuesday,

“5 Surprising Ways to Radically Boost Your Income with Your Book!”

Register at:

Tamara is a book marketing expert and the creator of the
“Author-to-Income Formula” training, so please do not
miss out on this complimentary webinar training.

All of the details are on that page. Even if you are
unable to attend live, if you register you’ll be set.

Enjoy your Sunday. I’ll be at the beach, walking and
reflecting on life, business, and new possibilities.

To Your Massive Online Success,

P.S. My popular “Book. Blog. Broadcast. – The Trifecta of
Entrepreneurial (more…)

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Online-Marketing, what a day! This ends tomorrow night

Hi Online-Marketing,

I have been busy as a bee today with new students.
Today and tomorrow I have something very special for
you…and my Bonus ends in less than 36 hours.

Nicole and Melissa have a self-paced training on:

“10 Quick and Easy Ways to Add Passive Income
Streams to Your Business with Affiliate Marketing”

I have been through this training myself, and even
though I am known as a “super affiliate” when it
comes to recommending only the products and courses
from the people I know and trust, I still learned
so, so much from them on this topic.

It’s a $97 value, but when you use the code PASSIVE
you get fifty dollars off and it’s only $47:
[Coupon Code: PASSIVE to Save $50]

***If you purchase this through me – and it’s only
on sale today and tomorrow – then you may purchase
my popular course at Really Simple Affiliate Marketing
for 90% off – only $20. It’s at:
(Take a Look and Keep on Reading…)

Here’s what you need to do…

1) Take a look at Melissa & Nicole’s training at to make
sure this is what you need right now.

2) Purchase it for $47, using the discount code PASSIVE

3) Let me know you’re purchased and I’ll send you
the 90% off discount code for my training course.

4) Make time over the next few days to get started!

And my course is in Home Study right now, meaning
that Seasons One and Two are already in the Member’s
area, and you’ll be included when I teach it live
again during April.

Passive income allows me to galavant about, travel
the world, and spend time with the people and the
projects that bring me joy and satisfaction. If you
want that as well, it’s easier than you may think.

***This is only good today and tomorrow – Saturday
and Sunday – so please do not hesitate!***

= = = = = = = =
If all of that seems to complicated, expensive, or
time consuming, then consider Marlon Sanders’ new
offering, the “Hands Off Product Creation Formula.”
[Only $9.97 Today]

I’ve been friends with Marlon Sanders since 2009
and learned much of what I know about outsourcing
from him. He has this down, and never sacrifices
quality by having others do much of the actual work
involved in creating popular information products.
Marlon refers to this as “Up-Sourcing” and you’ll
learn how to get started right away.
[Only $9.97 Today]

Today (more…)

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Online-Marketing, shall I save you a spot on the train?

Hi Online-Marketing,

Happy Saturday to You! What is Your Plan?

The train I’m referring to is the “passive income”
train, where you live life on your terms and do
the work you choose to do in the world. Today and
tomorrow I have something very special for you…

Nicole and Melissa have a self-paced training on:

“10 Quick and Easy Ways to Add Passive Income
Streams to Your Business with Affiliate Marketing”

I have been through this training myself, and even
though I am known as a “super affiliate” when it
comes to recommending only the products and courses
from the people I know and trust, I still learned
so, so much from them on this topic.

It’s a $97 value, but when you use the code PASSIVE
you get fifty dollars off and it’s only $47:
[Coupon Code: PASSIVE to Save $50]

***If you purchase this through me – and it’s only
on sale today and tomorrow – then you may purchase
my popular course at Really Simple Affiliate Marketing
for 90% off – only $20. It’s at:
(Take a Look and Keep on Reading…)

Here’s what you need to do…

1) Take a look at Melissa & Nicole’s training at to make
sure this is what you need right now.

2) Purchase it for $47, using the discount code PASSIVE

3) Let me know you’re purchased and I’ll send you
the 90% off discount code for my training course.

4) Make time over the next few days to get started!

And my course is in Home Study right now, meaning
that Seasons One and Two are already in the Member’s
area, and you’ll be included when I teach it live
again during April.

Passive income allows me to galavant about, travel
the world, and spend time with the people and the
projects that bring me joy and satisfaction. If you
want that as well, it’s easier than you may think.

***This is only good today and tomorrow – Saturday
and Sunday – so please do not hesitate!***

= = = = = = = =
If all of that seems to complicated, expensive, or
time consuming, then consider Marlon Sanders’ new
offering, the “Hands Off Product Creation Formula.”
[Only $9.97 Today]

I’ve been friends with Marlon Sanders since 2009
and learned much of what I know about outsourcing
from him. He has this down, and never sacrifices
quality by having others do much of the actual work
involved in creating popular information products.
Marlon refers to this as “Up-Sourcing” and you’ll
learn how to get started right away.
[Only (more…)

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Online-Marketing, seeing your shadow and telling the story

Hi Online-Marketing,

I arrived back in southern California just in time
to see Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow. That means
six more weeks of winter, so I’m doubly glad I live
in a place where winter means a long-sleeved shirt.
After a week in Silicon Valley I appreciate my home
turf that much more. I need the peace and sound of
ocean waves to get my creative juices flowing.

While working with my corporate client we used some
storytelling strategies to flesh out a new marketing
campaign. And I used some of what I purchased from
Coach Glue to help me with this. It’s called “Your
Story. Your Brand.” Thinking BIGGER about how you may
use PLR (private label rights) content makes sense.
You may still pick up this package, including all of
the exercises and workbook at:

This can also be used as a stand alone product or an
online course on this topic. Storytelling will be in
style for decades to come, in my opinion.

= = = = = = = =
The hottest ticket in town is to the 2018 Best Sellers
Summit, hosted by Alice Seba and Ron Douglas for the
third year. I’m back again as a speaker and promise to
share something I have never taught before in a public
forum. It’s a time proven strategy for creating an
income stream that is simple and joyous.

You may join for as little as $17, and please look at
the other offers as well. We begin on Monday and I’ll
be teaching my proven strategy in an entirely new way!

I’m surrounded by a “Who’s Who” of successful authors,
publishers, and entrepreneurs, so please join us at:

= = = = = = = =

Yesterday I took time to catch up with Tamara Monosoff,
one of the nicest and most business savvy people working
online today. She has even worked in the White House! Be
sure to register as my guest for her webinar next Tuesday,

“5 Surprising Ways to Radically Boost Your Income with Your Book!”

Register at:

All of the details are on that page and you do not want
to (more…)

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Online-Marketing, authors and perspective authors – this is for you

Hi Online-Marketing,

Happy First Day of February to You! This will be the
month that sets the tone for everything you’ll be
able to accomplish during 2018. Why? Because the new
year and first month have opened the path to great
training that you will want to take action on now.

I’m honored to be one of the speakers and presenters
for the 2018 Best Sellers Summit. It’s hosted by Ron
Douglas and Alice Seba and this is the third year in
a row they’ve asked me to participate.

You may join us for as little as $17, and please look
at the other offers as well. We begin on Monday and I’ll
be teaching a proven strategy in an entirely new way!

Actually, what I am teaching has only been taught by
me, and only within my exclusive training courses. If
you’re a member of “Really Simple Membership Sites”
then you will have access to this next week as well.

I’m surrounded by a “Who’s Who” of successful authors,
publishers, and entrepreneurs, so please join us at:

Another Great Training – No Cost Virtual Event

Tamara Monosoff is an author and entrepreneur I met two
years ago, first at an event where we were both speakers
and then at an event I attended with Nicole Dean and a
few other awesome people you may know. Tamara blew me
away with how she helps authors earn serious income with
a book, even a simple one.

On Tuesday you may attend her webinar as my guest, and
it’s titled…

“5 Surprising Ways to Radically Boost Your Income with Your Book!”

Register at:

Tamara will teach and explain:

* 5 unique ways to turn your expertise into income-generating
* A simple 5-minute tweak you can do right now to start making
more money fast…and for years to come.
* Her #1 top-secret strategy for creating a tribe of experts who
can’t wait to promote, publicize and sell your book for you!
* The absolute best way to turn readers into die-hard fans, get
5 star reviews on Amazon, and skyrocket the sales of your book.
* How she made $14,000 in extra cash in just 72 hours…and how
you can too!

Plus…Tamara will tell you what you can do (more…)

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Online-Marketing, they like me, they really like me!

Hi Online-Marketing,

Perhaps I’m channeling Sally Fields today,
but I’m ecstatic to be one of the speakers
and presenters for the 2018 Best Sellers
Summit. It’s hosted by Ron Douglas and Alice
Seba and this is the third year in a row
they’ve asked me to participate.

You may join us for as little as $17, and
please look at the other offers as well. We
begin on Monday and I’ll be teaching a tried
and true strategy in an entirely new way!

This Ends Tonight – Lots of Excellent Deals
Coach Glue’s semi-annual sale ends tonight at
midnight CST. Let’s start with the Planners:

1) All twenty-six of their world renown Planners
are on sale for only $20 each through midnight:
[Coupon Code: 2018]

2) Here’s a package for $17 that includes blog
posts, social media, and more you may love:

3) This one will make an excellent product and/or
(Your Story. Your Brand.)

It’s only $37 for the complete package.

4) Or…try out Coach Glue for one month and see
how you can have high quality content to create
your own products, courses, so much more.

You can always end your membership after one month,
or decide to become an annual member like I am!

I’m here this evening if you have a question on
any of these. Hit “reply” and talk to me. Some
things are ending and others are new, just like
the Circle of Life on the Internet.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

P.S. The awe inspiring (more…)

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Online-Marketing, the really super blue blood moonie

Hi Online-Marketing,

This morning I’m doing something I truly love.
I’m outside the corporate headquarters where I
am consulting this week, and a small group of
us are viewing the total lunar eclipse.

Our youngest astronomy buff is the three year
old son of one of the executives, and I loved
how he told me what it was all about. Holding
out his arms as wide as possible he exclaimed,

“It’s the really super blue blood moonie!”

His name is Gavin and he dramatically emphasized
each syllable to make sure I understood him.

Were you able to see this where you live? Did
you take a look on social media? The next one
will occur a year from now on January 21st, 2019.
It will also be a super moon but not a Blue Moon,
so that eclipse will simply be a three-word event
instead of four.

This Ends Today – Lots of Excellent Deals
Coach Glue’s semi-annual sale ends tonight at
midnight ET. Let’s start with a free package:

1) 21 Powerful Ways to Get More Clients on Instagram:
(No Cost Download)

2) Here’s a package for only $17 that includes blog
posts, social media, and more you may love:

3) This one will make an excellent product and/or
(Your Story. Your Brand.)

It’s only $37 for the complete package.

4) Or…try out Coach Glue for one month and see
how you can have high quality content to create
your own products, courses, so much more.

You can always end your membership after one month,
or decide to become an annual member like I am!

I’m going back outside to view more of the super,
blue, blood moon in total eclipse. Love this stuff!

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

P.S. I just got started with something called
Missinglett-r (more…)

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