Online-Marketing, what I’m planning next to serve you even more

Hi Online-Marketing,

If you’ve been with me for awhile you know that I host
my Spring Jump Start and Fall Jump Start small group
mentoring once each per year. This gives people who are
serious about building their online business a chance
to work with me for a couple of months at a lower than
usual investment.

My next Fall Jump Start begins at the end of August and
right now I am looking for three or four people who’d
like to come aboard now and work closely with me until
our group officially begins. This would mean over a month
with me as your mentor, and then the following months,
until the end of October, in our small group Fall Jump
Start program at no additional investment.

Email me today or tomorrow if this is of interest to you.
I’m adding funnels to what I’ll be teaching and you’ll
have a head start getting yours all set up. We will begin
officially on July 2nd and you will have ongoing access
to me before the small group begins at the end of August.

= = = = =
I Bought This One Yesterday!

It seems like the only PLR (private label rights) site I
don’t yet have an annual membership to is Alice Seba’s
newest. She reads my emails so I’m hoping she will soon
offer this to those of us who use and prosper from the
excellent content she shares. This latest one is called:

“101 Ways to Get More Organized to Eliminate Stress
and Increase Happiness in Your Life”
[Only $9.95 through Monday at Midnight]

I downloaded it at an internet cafe, which was the only
place I could while I am traveling abroad. I was willing
to risk all kinds of danger because I had to see what all
was included. The result? I love this one and you will as

I’ll set this one up as a product for sale for a niched
audience I serve. You can do the same. Change it 5% to add
your own name and branding and then sell it over and over
again for ten to twenty dollars. This is a proven strategy
that I want you to replicate in your own business. This
topic is evergreen so you could sell it for many years!

= = =
3 Day eBiz – Only $9.99

This is my newest training, and it’s interactive! I am
already hearing from people who have renewed faith in their
ability to create information products and courses to build
up an income from home. And this doesn’t take very long at
all, once you go through my training guide and get started.

My precept is that everyone can become a successful online
entrepreneur, as long as they know exactly what to do in a
step by step way. If this describes your feeling (more…)

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Hi Online-Marketing,

Welcome to my community – I’m glad you are here!

I pride myself with being able to remember what it was
like when I was a newer online entrepreneur so that I
can better help people to get started on the internet.
One of the most difficult parts is learning how to write
emails that are effective. Now that piece is done for you.

Inbox Boss – Special Pricing Ending Today!

The special introductory pricing for this fantastic new
software is ending at midnight. I spoke with Ron Douglas
yesterday and told him about the excellent feedback I’m
getting from those who purchased this through me so far.

And see the Bonuses I’m able to offer you here:

Sign up on either of these pages and you’re in!

And it’s cloud-based, so it works on a PC or Mac.

Ron and Justin have even added some additional bonuses,
so whether you come aboard today or have already done
so earlier this week, you’re all set. My bonuses are
exclusive to my link, so I would encourage you to come
in through me.

I’m loving Inbox Boss, and I’ve written thousands of email
messages, both broadcasts and autoresponders over these past
twelve years I’ve been in business online. Give yourself an
advantage by adding this inexpensive tool to your business.

= = =
3 Day eBiz – Only $9.99

This is my newest training, and it’s interactive! I am
already hearing from people who have renewed faith in their
ability to create information products and courses to build
up an income from home. And this doesn’t take very long at
all, once you go through my training guide and get started.

My precept is that everyone can become a successful online
entrepreneur, as long as they know exactly what to do in a
step by step way. If this describes your feeling and resonates
with you, come aboard while it’s still less than ten dollars
for the entire program and follow up.

Enjoy (more…)

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Online-Marketing, every day is Thursday – this is why

Hi Online-Marketing,

Welcome to my community – I’m glad you are here!

So how are enjoying the 3 Day eBiz training so far?
If for some reason you do not know what I’m referring
to, scroll down a bit to learn more.

When I was new online I used to say that every day was
Saturday. After years as an employee this day represented
a little freedom from the daily grind. But if you work a
“9 to 5”, Monday through Friday, then Saturday can be the
busiest day of the week with errands and so much to catch
up to be ready for Sunday night into Monday once again.

Soon I began saying that in my world “every day is Thursday”
because I no longer have to rush around and do anything in
a hurried way.

Sound good? You can achieve this as well, and I’ll teach
you how.

= = =
Inbox Boss – Ending Today!

The special introductory pricing for this fantastic new
software is ending at midnight. I spoke with Ron Douglas
yesterday and told him about the excellent feedback I’m
getting from those who purchased this through me so far.

And see the Bonuses I’m able to offer you here:

Sign up on either of these pages and you’re in!

Ron and Justin have even added some additional bonuses,
so whether you come aboard today or have already done
so earlier this week, you’re all set. My bonuses are
exclusive to my link, so I would encourage you to come
in through me.

I’m loving Inbox Boss, and I’ve written thousands of email
messages, both broadcasts and autoresponders over these past
twelve years I’ve been in business online. Give yourself an
advantage by adding this inexpensive tool to your business.

= = =
3 Day eBiz – Only $9.99

This is my newest training, and it’s interactive! I am
already hearing from people who have renewed faith in their
ability to create information products and courses to build
up an income from home. And this doesn’t take very long at
all, once you go through my training guide and get started.

My precept is that everyone can become a successful online
entrepreneur, as long as they know exactly what to do in a
step by step way. If this describes your feeling and resonates
with you, come aboard while it’s still less than ten (more…)

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Online-Marketing, an excellent path to residual and passive income

Hi Online-Marketing,

Welcome to my community – I’m glad you are here!

So how are enjoying the 3 Day eBiz training so far?
If for some reason you do not know what I’m referring
to, scroll down to the p.s. to learn more.

Creating your own information product to sell online
is an excellent path to passive and residual income
for time and financial freedom.

I also use private label rights (PLR) content to create
info products faster than the speed of light, so you’ll
want to take a close look at PLRaPaLooza to get what
you need for the summer. For only $47 you may access
and use more than $1375 worth of high quality content
from these 23 men and women I trust in my business.

***If you only used PLR to create products and courses,
you could build a six figure a year empire without your
having to write anything more than a few paragraphs for
an offer page. This is untapped magic, in my opinion.***

Have a fantastic weekend and do not hesitate to email me.
I’d love to look at your blog or main website and share
my ideas on how you can further monetize your skills.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

P.S.My new 3 Day eBiz is flying off the virtual shelves!
Come aboard for only $9.99 while it’s in introductory
pricing at:

P.P.S. InboxBoss is worth its weight in platinum.

And (more…)

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Online-Marketing, it’s a noisy world – even with no sound

Hi Online-Marketing,

Welcome to my community if you are new this week!
You most likely came in through my 3 Day eBiz
training course and I am so glad you’re here. My
goal is to serve you along your journey to online
entrepreneurship and more.

The noisy world I am referring to is the rush of email
messages you receive all day long. Because of the work
I do online I am on more than two hundred people’s
lists, have lots of students and clients who need to
reach me, and also have friends and family members who
prefer to communicate through email.

The result is more than a thousand emails in my inbox
every twenty-four hours, and I have two assistants who
help me filter through them all. This is particularly
important when I travel, like I’m doing this week from
another part of the world.

The answer to writing the emails that we must send is
to use an automated system, along with our autoresponder
service. I use and recommend Aweber…my link is:

But the other piece of this communication puzzle has
now been solved with something called Inbox Boss.

It’s an automated software that creates email campaigns.

This is what it does for you in a three step process:

1) You login to the cloud-based InboxBoss Dashboard,
which you can do from anywhere in the world.

2) Follow along and answer the questions about your
product, your niche or an affiliate promotion. InboxBoss
automatically guides you through the process step-by-step.

3) Click “create” and then sit back and watch as Inbox
Boss generates up to 200 unique, top-converting emails
for you to choose from, specific to your promotion.

Take a look here:

And see the Bonuses I’m able to offer you here:

Sign up on either of these pages and you’re in!

Enjoy your Friday leading into the first weekend of
spring in the northern hemisphere. What’s the weather
like where you are? For me, it’s a clear and crisp
19 Celsius (66 Fahrenheit) and we’re headed off to
see a play. More on this later.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

P.S. I can’t recommend Ryan Eliason’s program enough.

Revolutionary Success Is Possible for You…

Transform Your Calling to Serve into a Lucrative
Business and a Lifestyle You Love!

He teaches:

* Profound Service – Making a profound positive difference
for your clients and the world and living your purpose.

* Amazing Lifestyle – Having the time, spaciousness, (more…)

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Online-Marketing, everything I do is intended as a lesson

Hi Online-Marketing,

As a former classroom teacher, it makes sense that
everything I do online is intended to be a lesson
for you as you build your business as an online

Here are today’s lessons…

1) I create new information products using high
quality PLR (private label rights) content. You
may have tons of PLR or your hard drive, but I can
almost guarantee that I have more. The difference?
I repurpose some of mine every month to sell as
products online, as bonuses, and as a part of some
of my online courses.

My recommendation…

PLRaPaLooZa has now opened! For only $47 you may access
and use more than $1375 worth of high quality content
from these 23 men and women I trust in my business.

***If you only used PLR to create products and courses,
you could build a six figure a year empire without your
having to write anything more than a few paragraphs for
an offer page. This is untapped magic, in my opinion.***

I’m even buying this one to get to know some additional
PLR creators who also turn out high quality content to
use as my own.

2) Creating your own “simple” information products is
the first step to great success online.

My recommendation…

I will teach you exactly how to do this, and quickly.
If you already joined the 3 Day eBiz training, I hope
you’ll have time to begin working on it today. This is
a relatively short training, but promises you maximum
effectiveness when you take action, as well as ongoing
training and follow up with me, all for $9.99.

3) You must stay in regular contact with your online
community, and email broadcasts and autoresponders are
the very best way to do this.

My recommendation…

It’s called Inbox Boss and is from two people who know
what they’re talking about with this topic.

This is a simple, automated method that’s perfect for

beginners and intermediates alike. I love this one!

Remember that everything I do is a lesson for you andyour business growth. Purchase #1 or #3 (more…)

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Online-Marketing, this is how and why I like soft launches

Hi Online-Marketing,

The weather is cooling down here in southern California,
at least for a few days. We prefer to not be thrust into
summer with the propulsive force of a jet or rocket engine
before June 21, but many times that occurs anyway.

Having an online business is such a blessing in my life.
For these past twelve years I’ve been more creative and
actively engaged in life than at any other period of my

Creating new products and courses, authoring books, and
connecting with people who are at the top of their game
has been awe inspiring and life changing.

But I do have one regret…

I wish someone had taken the time to show me how to earn
a living as an online entrepreneur during my first year.

…to cut to the chase, get to the point, and just teach
me what I needed to do

…without selling me so many things I did not need

…in a way that I could understand, learn, and implement

…and also be available to me if/when I had questions

Instead, my first year was a struggle, and I made very
little income until I began putting the pieces together
for myself and also began working with a mentor.

A couple of months ago, while I was teaching Season Three
of my Really Simple Info Products course, in which I take
on one or two projects each Season to use as examples, I
decided to create a training course that would do exactly
what I craved during my first year. It would be…

simple, to the point, and offer my help as well.

I alluded to this new product yesterday, and today I will
finally share it with you…

My goal is to offer you something that makes sense, and
at a price that is more than fair, and that you will then
become my affiliate and share it with others you know who
want and need this to jump start their own entrepreneurial

Take a look, and let me know if you have any questions.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would
happen, and others make it happen.” ~Michael Jordan

P.S. Ryan Eliason and I go way back, to when he helped
me speak at an event for speakers and authors before I
was either. Download his latest training on:

“How (more…)

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Online-Marketing, how time flies when you’re having fun

Hi Online-Marketing,

I can’t believe it’s Sunday evening already.
My Swedish house guests are having so much
fun the time is flying by.

Did you pick up your free copy of my book?

It’s the bestselling book I co-wrote on time
management strategies for entrepreneurs and it’s
a free download this weekend. Please share this
one with anyone who would benefit, and read it
yourself for maximum productivity:

= = =
From Shawn Hansen – Ending Soon:

It’s the 2018 version of her journal and planner
business. She describes it as:

in Both Journals & Planners!

Shawn says…

IMAGINE what it would feel like…

If just a few weeks from NOW, you had a STEADY,
RECURRING INCOME STREAM that you could Quickly
& Easily continue to GROW ALL YEAR LONG!

I jumped on this right away, and can’t believe
how fulfilling it is to have this as a part of
my business model. You can do the same thing.

Only $67 for the complete five session training,
as well as a private Mastermind group.

Ends very soon – do not hesitate to come aboard.

Enjoy your Sunday and email me any time.

To Your Massive Online Success,

P.S. One of the two mentoring spots I opened up
this (more…)

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Online-Marketing, is your idea for a monthly group ready to fly?

Hi Online-Marketing,

As someone who is a part of my community on the
internet, I want to applaud you for being so
creative when it comes to putting together your
own monthly membership program. We have been
talking about ideas for recurring income and what
has been shared with me so far has been extremely
interesting and downright brilliant.

Without sharing any one person’s proprietary idea,
I will tell you they range from one where it will
consist of a roundtable of no more than 12 members
(I can relate to this one because my own Platinum
Mastermind never goes above 20 people in any given
year) to another person’s big idea to include a
thousand members who have the goal of authorship,
entrepreneurship, publishing, and getting to seven
figures in seven years (also very doable based on
my own experiences).

Tonight at midnight is the deadline to pick up the
package from Coach Glue for $77 that grants you
admission to my webinar training on June 16th at
11 am ET where we will bring it all together for
you as you prepare to launch your new group.

“How to Create a Low-Maintenance Monthly Club
for Recurring Income”
[Code 77 Brings it Down to $77]

So for today, allow yourself to daydream and to
imagine the group you’d like to put together,
where you will serve as captain, facilitator, and
trusted advisor to like-minded people who will
have come together for the purpose of learning and
improving their own lives as well as the lives of
others with the “ripple effect.”

You are capable of much more than you may be giving
yourself credit for at this point in your life,
and having your own monthly group will give you wings
on which to soar to new heights.

Email me any time – I’m in and out today working on
on a few things.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green
“I have new dreams every day.” ~ Dolly Parton

P.S. This “Recurring Income” Workshop is a $297 value
and currently only available to those in Coach Glue’s
monthly or annual program. Please do not hesitate if a
recurring income model is your (more…)

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Online-Marketing, creating your own high ticket program

Hi Online-Marketing,

Has today been an excellent one for you? I was quite
productive all morning, and then I took a nap!

Just one final message if you’re interested in making
easy work of creating your own high ticket training
program. All you do is attend a few training sessions…
and Alice Seba is taking care of all the details,
including the training and the marketing materials.

The investment for this doubles at midnight tonight,
and the training begins tomorrow. Everything will be
recorded if you’re unable to attend the live sessions.

The full title of this unique training is:

“Minimize to Maximize Subject Matter Expert Training”

If you’re ready to enter the world of high ticket online
training and helping your customers live their lives to
the fullest, you’ll want to get in on this.

I just love this approach to private label right content.
Instead of just getting a bunch of content you may not
know anything about, you’re going to become the subject
matter expert.

This is your opportunity to effectively and confidently
release a high ticket training program to boost your
income dramatically. Alice is going to train you on the
subject matter AND create all the training and marketing
materials for you.

I use this strategy myself and it has most definitely
increased my bottom line this year.

And I so strongly believe you will benefit from this
training, I am offering a Bonus I seldom offer:

My Bonus: One month of mentoring with me personally.
This means that you and I will have two personal calls,
as well as email communication to get your business
moving forward and to the next level. You may have this
mentoring during June, July, or August of this year.
Value – $595 and hopefully priceless to you…

Just let me know you’ve joined Alice’s Subject Matter
Expert Training course and I will tell you what comes
next in our mentoring relationship.
[Early Registration Ends at Midnight]

= = = = = = = =
Blog Content Planner – I Use This!

It’s no surprise that I use a blog content planner to
decide exactly what I will post to my blog each month.
This is the only way for me to monetize my blogs in a
way that fits in with my online business. Coach Glue
has created a winner with this one, and it won’t be
available much longer:
[Code 2018 Brings it Down to $25

Questions for me? Hit “reply” and ask me anything.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

Motivation is what gets you started. (more…)

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