Online-Marketing, ready to inspire and motivate you…at 3 pm EST

Hi Online-Marketing,

If I have yet to inspire you with the power and
profitability of blogging, I am hoping that will
all change today when I have Karon Thackston as my
guest for…

“How to Get a Steady Flow of Clients & Passive
Income From Your Blog”

We meet live at 3 pm EST today and you’re invited.

Karon is a master copywriter and SEO expert and
we first met almost eight years ago when we were
both master instructors at an event in Atlanta.
I’ve continued to learn from her over the years
and you will as well.

And there is no fancy, expensive course for sale
at the end, as I already have that in my authority
blogging training program. Instead, Karon will be
offering an affordable guide to help you make
your blog a passive income machine. Please join us
at 3 pm EST today by registering at:

= = = = =
Last Chance for Profiting From Podcasts

This new webinar training is from Steve Olsher
and you may choose any of the three times to
attend this one live. If you are considering
upping your game for 2019 this could be the
right direction for you.

I’m working from my home office today if you have
a question I may answer for you, and I hope to “see”
you at 3 pm EST for the webinar with Karon Thackston.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

“A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.”

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Online-Marketing, bundles and giveaways

Hi Online-Marketing,

Bundles and giveaways can seem daunting, especially
when you get ready to download what has been included.
If that is how you feel about the “Great Big Life and
Biz Bundle” I want to help you reframe your thinking.

First, take a look at what is included for only $27 at:

There are more than 50 packages from new and established
entrepreneurs included here, making it about fifty-one
cents ($o.51) for each one.

That’s a bargain on any planet, let alone on Earth!

And even if you purchased the BC Stack during the summer,
where I included a product along with 63 others, or the
Laptop Lifestyle bundle, where there were more than 40
products/courses/trainings included, everything here is
different, even if it’s from the same person.

Yesterday I gave you some recommendations for my faves,
and here are some more:

Krishna Woods – Home/Business Balance Client Onboarding Planner

Carol Little – Impactful Introductions to set you apart

Amy Whitmer – Develop Your Business’s Brand So That It Packs a
Powerful Punch

Patricia Stallworth – Personal Money Power

Leslie Bouldin – How to Get Publicity with Press Releases

I have worked personally with more than half of those
who are represented in this bundle, in one of my mentoring
programs. And this is your opportunity to get to know them
through their signature products, courses, and topics.
[Ends in 36 Hours – Only $27 for Everything]

And now about my Special Bonus:

Come in through me and you will be included in an eBook
we will write and publish together on the topic of home
businesses and entrepreneurship. No matter where you are
in this process, your short chapter will be valuable to
readers all over the world.

We will put this together during November and December
and I will publish it right at the first of the year. If
you are already an author this will boost your name, and
if this is a first time book for you this will begin a
process of credibility and visibility that is priceless.
I have added five spots for this bonus, so there will be
no more than thirty of us represented in the book. And I
will teach you how I take each book I write to best seller
status in two or three categories, several times each year!

Enjoy your Tuesday and hit “reply” with your questions.

In Service and Gratitude to You,
Connie (more…)

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Online-Marketing, learning from smart people

Hi Online-Marketing,

Learning from the smartest people online has become my
M.O. – my modus operandi – since coming online twelve
years ago. When I find one of these people, and it is
extremely rare, I spend as much time as possible with
them through their coaching/mentoring, their products
and courses, as well as in person.

One of them is Cindy Bidar. I have know her personally
since about 2012 and pride myself in gobbling up every
bit of her training. She’s also a wonderful, down to earth,
and all around nice person, which can be rare for people
with her level of intelligence and marketing savvy. When
given a choice, I always choose kind people to learn from.

So, more about the treyfer – a twofer plus one – I’ve been
able to score for you. Take a look at:
[Use Code ROLLBACK to save $7 Right Now]

“6 Figure Systems” is Cindy’s monthly program and she is
giving of herself in this one like few people do these days.
Learning directly from her makes all the difference.

When you sign up during the next 72 hours you will receive
four things:

1) Full access to last month’s training…
“The Perpetual Profit Machine:
Leveraging Free Funnels For A Consistent Cash Flow”

2) Full access to this month’s training…
“Email Marketing Momentum: Leverage Your Best Business
Asset to Earn More With Less Effort and Zero “Ick” Factor”

3) A $7 discount for this month – use code ROLLBACK

And…My Priceless Bonus!

Come into Cindy’s program and stay through January. Then
I will share you, your blog or website, and your new or
already created product with my online community, that I
am thrilled to tell you gets bigger every single day.

Each month you will receive:

* Video training that walks you step-by-step through the theory,
addresses your past hurdles, and gives you a workable plan to
manage your email marketing that will grow with you.

* Members only live Q & A to get all your questions answered.
Step-by-step, crystal-clear checklists detailing all the
strategies you can use to monetize your free funnels

* Copy & paste templates for email subjects, P.S. swipes, and
calls to action

* Access to our private Facebook community for ongoing support
and brainstorming

* PLUS (more…)

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Online-Marketing, these are two sides of the same coin

Hi Online-Marketing,

If it’s Tuesday it must be time for entrepreneurship,
passive income, and authorship!

For a few days I have been attempting to explain why
you need both of the programs I’m teaching through the
end of 2018 instead of just one of them. These are:

1) The “Authors! Quick Book-to-Business Profits Method”
program I’m co-teaching with Ellen Finkelstein


2) “Really Simple Authority Blogging” I debuted in the
spring and will now go into Season Two live beginning
next week (Tuesday, October 9th)

The questions I’ve been getting include:

* Are these both the same, more or less?
* If I’m writing a book, why do I care about a blog?
* I don’t want to blog because I’m busy writing my
book. Shouldn’t I wait until after the first of the
* I’m not an expert so I don’t need a book. I should
just work on creating an authority blog for now, right?

These are all valid questions and concerns. And you most
certainly do not want or need to do extra writing that
may not make a difference. These are my thoughts…

These programs couldn’t be more different from one another,
yet they are two sides of the same coin in that both lead
to the results we all want yet few of us achieve and enjoy.

The credibility from my books brings:

* ongoing speaking engagements
* a growing list of responsive prospects
* a new audience of readers for my blogs
* online courses based on my books’ concepts

The authority from my blogs brings:

* massive, passive income every single day
* additional book sales from around the world
* global readership and additional recognition
* a body of work with which to create a variety of
products, courses, email messages, and more books

Like peanut butter and chocolate, your book and your blog
will work in combination to propel you to a level few will
ever reach, and in the shortest period of time.

Here are details about each program:

“Authors! Quick Book-to-Business Profits Method”
[Code QUICKPROFITS Saves You $50]

Ellen and I teach a new session on Friday, October 26th.


“Really Simple Authority Blogging”

I begin Season Two live on Tuesday, October the 9th.

Yes, I know they may feel expensive to you or be out of your
price range right now. I understand that because I was there
when I began online. But I also know the value of these to
get you closer to where you want to be by the end of 2018 –
just 90 days from now.

This is what I can do…

1) If you’re already enrolled in the Master Class with Ellen
and I and want to add Authority Blogging, email me so we can
figure out how to make it work for you.

2) If you’re already enrolled in Really Simple Authority
Blogging and wish to add our Master Class, write to me and
we will see how to make that happen.

3) If you are already enrolled in both of these, write to
me for a special bonus opportunity you will have to hear
about from me to believe because it’s that awesome.

There are fourteen people as of this writing who are already
in both programs. They are speechless when I tell them what
their bonus opportunity is all about.

I want to add your name to this list and change your life
and business as well. Please let me know if you’ll be coming
aboard for this opportunity.

The responsibility that goes with saying AND instead (more…)

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Online-Marketing, some things you may not already know…

Hi Online-Marketing,

I thought today would be an excellent day to share
a few things with you that will help you to market
yourself, your books, and your products much better.

#1 Follow Your Favorite Authors

Did you know that if you follow authors on Amazon you
are the first to know about our new releases and when
we put a book on sale or offer it at no cost? Please
follow me to see what I mean:

Click where it says “Follow” and it will change to “Following”

#2 I spent less than thirty minutes yesterday moving
more than twenty books from Create Space (which will be
gone in a couple of weeks) over to my Kindle Direct
Publishing account. It was painless, there was no way
to mess it up, and now my Kindle and paperback versions
of the same book will be connected! Are you on Kindle?
I can help you with that. 😉

#3 When you recommend something through your affiliate
link, it depends upon the platform as to whether or not
you will earn income when someone buys from them in the
future. Here are three that pay you forever: (my affiliate site) (Cindy Bidar) (Susanne & Tracy
from Piggy Makes Bank – grab your free PLR then scroll
to the bottom and click on “affiliates”)

#4 The reason I use a lowercase letter at the beginning
of all my links is because some email providers block
links from being clickable if you do not.

#5 Tell others as much about yourself as possible so they
will remember you through your story. Even if you have
only been a part of my community for a short while you
most likely know that I am former classroom teacher, live
in two cities (Santa Barbara and Santa Clarita in California),
and love volunteering with a variety of groups. Share your
story and become more alive to your prospects and clients.

#6 Combine some of your blog posts and other writing into
a report you can share with your community. Here is one I
put together on time management and productivity:

#7 Offer something at no cost to introduce your audience
to someone you know and respect. Here are my two examples:

#8 When you are offered content at no cost, turn it into
a blog post and recommend the site that provided it to you.

Content Marketing on the Internet

#9 Create a (more…)

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Hi Online-Marketing,

Happy October 1st and Beginning of 4th Quarter to You!

This evening I’m winding down my Santa Barbara Retreat.
Thank you for the well wishes for two of my people who
were injured while we volunteered with a group building
homes for returning veterans. They’re both better now
and anxious to make the most of today. My CFO is joining
us this afternoon to look at and discuss all of our 3rd
quarter numbers. My business is a simple one that serves
as an excellent example to other entrepreneurs.

Yesterday I shared that I’ve done some soul searching over
the past week in regards to the two courses I am teaching
through the end of 2018.

You know Ellen Finkelstein and I are teaching a Master Class
on how to write your book and turn it into an ongoing income
stream, as each of us has done multiple times and continues
to do. You may see that Master Class here:

“Authors! Quick Book-to-Business Profits Method”
[Code QUICKPROFITS Saves You $50]

Our next session is on Friday, October 26th and we are so
excited to share this information with you.

But herein lies my dilemma…

I created a course called “Really Simple Authority Blogging”
at the beginning of this year and taught it live during the
spring. It’s the most detailed training I have even done on
my own and was very well received by my students. You may
read more about it here:

I begin Season Two live on Tuesday, October the 9th.

I want you to say AND instead of OR and be a part of both
of these programs for the next two years.

Yes, I know they may feel expensive to you or be out of your
price range right now. I understand that because I was there
when I began online. But I also know the value of these to
get you closer to where you want to be by the end of 2018 –
just 90 days from now.

This is what I can do…

1) If you’re already enrolled in the Master Class with Ellen
and I and want to add Authority Blogging, email me so we can
figure out how to make it work for you.

2) If you’re already enrolled in Really Simple Authority
Blogging and wish to add our Master Class, write to me and
we will see how to make that happen.

3) If you are already enrolled in both of these, write to
me for a special bonus opportunity you will have to hear
about from me to believe because it’s that awesome.

There are fourteen people as of this writing who are already
in both programs. They are speechless when I tell them what
the bonus opportunity is all about.

I want to add YOUR NAME to this list and change your life
and business as well. Please let me know if you’ll be coming
aboard for this opportunity.

The responsibility that goes with saying AND instead of OR
is one that will change your life. I’ve been tested over and
over again since coming online in 2006 and can tell you I’m
much stronger and capable than I ever thought possible, simply
by saying AND the majority of the time.

To Your Great Success, and in Sincere Gratitude,
Connie Ragen Green

P.S. This is a free training and PLR product from Alice:

“Learning (more…)

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Hi Online-Marketing,

Yesterday was both an exhilarating and a challenging day.
I’m hosting my Retreat this weekend and working with three
dedicated and fun loving entrepreneurs. When I suggested we
all volunteer with a group that builds homes for returning
veterans they were anxious to join in. My Rotary Club was
hosting a pancake breakfast at the construction site so
there was something for everyone to do to help out.

Three hours later two of my three clients had been injured.
One broke his wrist while stirring cement in a mixer and
the other threw his back out and couldn’t stand up. Fellow
Rotarians helped me to load everyone into my SUV and one
even accompanied us to the local emergency room. Everyone
is better this morning and we’re back at work. Today’s
discussion is around the great responsibility of saying AND
instead of OR in our personal life and in our businesses.

Yesterday we all chose to help with a worthwhile cause, even
though none of us has experience with building homes. Wanting
to be a part of something greater than ourselves was our
motivation. I did give them a choice to work o business all
day and do something fun last night but the vote was unanimous
to do what we did. The other choice was to attend a showing
of “A Star is Born” down in Hollywood, but that was so much
less appealing to all of us than working on a hands-on project.

What is the point in my sharing this story?

I want you to say AND for the right reasons for you, and I
want to make it as easy as possible for you to do so.

I’ve done some soul searching over the past week. You know
Ellen Finkelstein and I are teaching a Master Class on how
to write your book and turn it into an ongoing income stream,
as each of us has done multiple times and continues to do.
You may see that Master Class here:

“Authors! Quick Book-to-Business Profits Method”
[Code QUICKPROFITS Saves You $50]

Our next session is on Friday, October 26th and we are so
excited to share this information with you.

But herein lies my dilemma…

I created a course called “Really Simple Authority Blogging”
at the beginning of this year and taught it live during the
spring. It’s the most detailed training I have even done on
my own and was very well received by my students. You can
read more about it here:

I begin Season two live on Tuesday, October the 9th.

I want you to say AND instead of OR and be a part of both
of these programs for the next two years.

Yes, I know they may feel expensive to you or be out of your
price range right now. I understand that because I was there
when I began online. But I also know the value of these to
get you closer to where you want to be by the end of 2018.

This is what I can do…

1) If you’re already enrolled in the Master Class with Ellen
and I and want to add Authority Blogging, email me so we can
figure out how to make it work for you.

2) If you’re already enrolled in Really Simple Authority
Blogging and wish to add our Master Class, write to me and
we will see how to make that happen.

3) If you are already enrolled in both of these, write to
me for a special bonus opportunity you will have to hear
about from me to believe because it’s that awesome.

The responsibility that goes with saying AND instead of OR is
one that will change your life. I’ve been tested over and over
again since coming online in 2006 and (more…)

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Online-Marketing, a Retreat in Santa Barbara

Hi Online-Marketing,

This weekend I’m hosting one of my Retreats here in
Santa Barbara. I do this four or five times a year
to work more closely with my clients. This time we
are a group of four. Steve and Jeff have an online
business helping new virtual assistants get ready
to take on clients and serve them well, and Cameron
is a photographer who wants to build up his presence
and income on the internet.

We do have lots of fun during my Retreats, while also
accomplishing goals that will translate to income.
These three came prepared and ready to work and play.

My next event in Los Angeles will be during January
and I’ll share more details with you on this next week.

Today I’m sharing my best recommendations for no cost
products and training you may download. These are all
from people I know personally and respect professionally
so you will get to know them as well.

#1 “From Start Up to Entrepreneur Mastery Giveaway”

I am one of sixteen entrepreneurs included here.

#2 The PLR Success Pack

A $150 value from the awesome Justin Popovic, brand this
package of premium content to sell to others.

#3 April Lemarr offers some of the highest quality PLR,
and in a diverse variety of niches.

#4 Two from Coach Glue for You!

Download 17 done-for-you coaching forms here:


How to Convert Every Blog Post into 6 Different Pieces
of Content for Your Business:

I must join my Retreat now, but please email me with
any questions and I will answer you by this evening.

In Deep Gratitude and to Your Massive Success,
Connie Ragen Green

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an
environment where excellence is expected.” – Steve Jobs

P.S. If you purchased “Teach Your Tribe” through me, please
contact me (more…)

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Hi Online-Marketing,

This morning I shared how I was overwhelmed by the
plethora of products, courses, and tools offered by
the people who had been online for years before me
during my first year online.

Without a mentor or experience under my belt it was
hit and miss, and many times I spent money on products
that had little or no value to me when I took a closer

Then I found my hidden gem…

I had spent about six thousand dollars by 2007 and I
was at a crossroads; if I didn’t find a way to make
my new online business earn enough income to cover my
monthly expenses I would have to file bankruptcy. Yes,
my situation was dire but my faith was strong.

So I purchased one more course, crossed my fingers,
and dug in to learn and implement as much as possible.
It was a $97 course on blogging. I do not recall the
name of that course but I will never forget the person
teaching it. Her name is Denise Wakeman and I am still
learning from her to this day. Even my mother knew her
name because I told her that we would be alright once
I put everything I was learning from Denise into action.
The rest is history and I will be forever grateful.

I believe with all of my heart that your hidden gem is
within the people and products you will receive as part
of the Laptop Lifestyle Business Bundle.
[Ends at midnight ET – $27 for All 42 Packages]

Email me with your questions and comments and I’ll answer
you personally. Your future is within this bundle!

In Deep Gratitude and to Your Massive Success,
Connie Ragen Green

P.S. Purchase through my link before this closes forever
and I will do two things for you:

1) Give you PLR rights to my 10K word Productivity Challenge to
do with as you see fit, even sell it or turn it into an online
course. (more…)

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Hi Online-Marketing,

During my first year online I was overwhelmed by the
plethora of products, courses, and tools offered by
the people who had been online for years before me.

Without a mentor or experience under my belt it was
hit and miss, and many times I spent money on something
that had little or no value to me when I took a closer

I vowed to be a trusted advisor for others once I had
achieved some level of success, and that is what I’ve
done for over a decade now. I pride myself on being
able to spot the diamonds in the rough and to work
diligently to share them with my community. That’s you!
[Ends at midnight ET – $27 for All 42 Packages]

Yesterday I highlighted one of the people included in
the Bundle. Today I’d like to highlight the woman who
came up with this idea and made it happen – Angela Wills.

Angela is a powerhouse of a human being, smart and kind
and always willing to help others become successful as
entrepreneurs. I have the utmost respect for her and
love that she is offering what I consider to be her
best training and the topic she is famous for, email
marketing. It’s a $197 value and included here in the
Laptop Lifestyle Business Bundle. It’s listed at the
top of the page and called:

“Natural Email Marketer Live” – included in this bundle!

Of the 42 products,courses, and training you’ll receive,
about a third of them are from people who are in some
of my mentoring and other programs. That’s another
reason I know you will be well taken care of and most
certainly get many times more value than the investment
of $27.
[Ends at midnight ET – $27 for All 42 Packages]

Email me with your questions and comments and I’ll answer
you personally.

In Deep Gratitude and to Your Massive Success,
Connie Ragen Green

P.S. Why are you still here? Please don’t get shut out
when this closes at midnight ET. Just one of the people
or products included here could be the hidden gem that
changes everything for you as an entrepreneur.

P.P.S. Purchase through my link before this closes forever
and I will do two things for you:

1) Give you PLR rights to my 10K (more…)

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