Online-Marketing, one last chance – price increases at midnight

Hi Online-Marketing,

I’m talking about Dennis Becker and Barb Ling’s
“Evergreen Gems” – one thousand done for you lessons
you may add to a membership site, use as bonuses
and upsells, or sell as information products of
your own. The price jumps dramatically at midnight
so please come aboard now if you haven’t already.

My Bonus is a webinar training this Saturday where
we will unpack this giant package and I’ll show
you just how to organize and add the content to
your site. You will be amazed at what’s possible.

More details are here:

Also, I have a few openings in the “Profitable
Podcasts” group that will open its doors tomorrow.
This is from Mike Stewart and made it possible
for me to launch a brand new podcast in a couple
of hours. We’ll work together this year to make
sure you have plenty of guests, no issues with the
technology, and lots of free traffic from iTunes
and the other podcast sites. I can’t wait!

Please let me know when you’ve come aboard.

To Your Massive (more…)

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Online-Marketing, how to eliminate a “paycheck to paycheck”

Hi Online-Marketing,

Are you easing into the new year? I am ready to
come back to the States after being away for more
than a week now, but my new morning routine serves
me well no matter where on earth I am.

Yesterday I shared some personal insights into why
I believe setting up a membership site for recurring
income is so very important. I then recommended Barb
and Dennis’ excellent content. Today is the last day
to pick this up at a rock bottom price.

I’m again going to give you both the short and the long
version of why this is well worth less than thirty dollars
and some of your time to set up.

The Short Version…

If you need high quality content for a membership site,
this is your opportunity.

If you want to start your own membership site, this provides
you all the content you need for that for three years.

If you already have a product or course, this content is
excellent for upsells and/or bonuses.

The Long Version…

Creating a profitable business to replace or supplement
your income is a worthwhile pursuit. It’s about being
congruent with who you are and feeling fully alive. It
is also about having the ability to create a recurring
income stream. Continue reading at:

Email me if you have questions or comments. I love hearing
from you.

= = = = =
Coach Glue has some excellent surprises for you…

All 43 of their Business Planners are on sale for
only $20 each when you use the code 2019 at:

Here’s the same offer with a more detailed view:

Not sure? Here are two free trainings for you:

“5 Ways to 10X Your Business in the Next 90 Days”


“The #1 Thing Missing From Your Coaching Business”

***Purchase any four Planners (more…)

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Online-Marketing, a new way of thinking about your online

Hi Online-Marketing,

It seems like last year since we connected! That’s my
annual corny joke and it still makes me laugh. What I
have to share with you today is neither a joke nor a
topic I take lightly. It’s all about creating your own
membership site with excellent content already created.

I’m going to give you both the short and long version
of why this is well worth less than thirty dollars and
some of your time to set up.

The Short Version…

If you need high quality content for a membership site,
this is your opportunity.

If you want to start your own membership site, this provides
you all the content you need for that for three years.

If you already have a product or course, this content is
excellent for upsells and/or bonuses.

The Long Version

Recurring income is a bit like compound interest; both are
magical ways to earn income without doing additional work.
It’s how I am able to travel the world, live in two cities,
and provide my family with the opportunities of a lifetime.
It’s also why I am able to work about twenty to thirty hours
a week and take off lots of time all year long.

But it’s also about a dream I had when I came online in 2006.
My dream was to get away from living “paycheck to paycheck”
and be able to design a lifestyle that suited my personality.
You can do the same, and this product can help get you there.

Continue reading at:

Email me if you have questions or comments. I love hearing
from you.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie (more…)

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Online-Marketing, getting a jump on the new year – your membership

Hi Online-Marketing,

I’m still in London for another few days, which means
I’ll be ringing in the new year with family and friends
eight hours earlier than I would in California. This is
my version of getting a jump on 2019. And it’s already
2019 in Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji.

Over the past twelve years I have recorded more than a
thousand hours of audio, another thousand hours of video
with webinars, and another thousand hours of mentoring.
But could I access all of this training on a moment’s
notice to add to a new membership site for newbies?

Sadly, no.

But you can do just that with the recent release of “End
of the Year Evergreen Gems” from Dennis Becker and Barb
Ling. This will truly give you a jump on the new year.

Next Saturday the 5th I’ll be teaching you how to add
everything here, in small steps, to a membership site
you can sell for recurring income for the next several
years. I would have given anything to have these assets
at my disposal years ago. You may have it immediately.

One question you may have is “What if everyone does this?”
You and I know from our own experiences that people buy
lots of content they never use. But even if a hundred of
the people who buy this package use even a third of it
for a membership site the chances of two people doing it
in a similar way would be next to impossible. And I will
show you how to make sure your membership site is unique
and highly attractive to your new prospects.

= = = = =
Lots of Free Content Here…

I’ve assembled a page with no cost, high quality private
label rights content for you here:

Free PLR to Grow Your Business

= = = = =
My Book About Kids and Money – No Cost

In honor of my latest book being chosen to teach kids
about money in one of the non-profits I’m a part of, I
decided to make it free as a Kindle download:

You do NOT need a Kindle device; it’s a free download
for your smart phone, tablet, or computer.

Enjoy this last day of the (more…)

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Online-Marketing, are you working “on” rather than “in” your

Hi Online-Marketing,

I have to admit I’ve been enjoying working “on” my
business rather than working “in” it for these past
two weeks. Do you understand the difference and are
you using this strategy to grow bigger every day?

Working “on” your business entails stepping back to
see what the logical next step is for you. If you do
this at least once a quarter you will learn what is
working and what needs to change.

In honor of my latest book being chosen to teach kids
about money in one of the non-profits I’m a part of,
I decided to make it free as a Kindle download:

You do NOT need a Kindle device; it’s a free download
for your smart phone, tablet, or computer.

= = = = =
It Will Be a Shame to Miss These…

Introducing: “2019 Marketing in a Box” PLR by Alice Seba:

This package includes 14 complete reports on topics like:

* Grow Your List with Local Events and Public Speaking
* Grow Your List with Webinars
* Grow Your List with Curation and Content Repurposing
* Eleven more on well researched topics…
* 12 Basic Opt in Reports and 2 Bonus Reports
* 14 Opt in Reports in all, and Editable Cover Graphics

Lead Generating Opt In Page Included…

Alice has even included the opt-in copy and created the
WordPress-ready code for you. She even hosts the images
for you so you can set this up quickly!

It’s only $27 for everything, but only until midnight.

My BONUS: You’ll be invited to a special training webinar
on Saturday, January 5th to learn how to add your content
(PLR and Original) to a membership site. The link is on
your download page after you purchase this package.

The world of online entrepreneurship is much simpler than
you might be making it out to be. Email me with questions.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

P.S. This is an outstanding package from Barb & Dennis:

There is enough content here for (more…)

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Online-Marketing, the silly stories we tell ourselves – my story of

Hi Online-Marketing,

I just checked my LinkedIn and I have 24K first level
connections. This means I have failed miserably to meet
my goal for 2018.

Allow me to explain…

In October of 2017, almost fifteen months ago, I had four
thousand first level connections on LinkedIn. I was proud
of what I had achieved until I took a closer look.

It had taken me ten years to get to 4K!

I immediately set the goal of getting to thirty thousand
first level connections by the end of this year.

I will add that LinkedIn is the best social media site
for me in terms of connecting with people who wish to
learn from me, become my affiliates, and for corporate
consulting opportunities.

So even though I have failed to reach my goal, it’s been
a success if you look at what truly counts.

How many times do we beat ourselves up for not achieving
our goals, only to be missing the bigger picture of what
is important for us day to day?

My goal has been for over a decade now to help you and
other online entrepreneurs and authors to achieve your
goals with daily steps that move you closer and closer.

One of the ways I do this, along with hundreds of the
people who follow me is by using high quality PLR – this
is private label rights content you may legally use as
your own – to create products, courses, and membership

The one I have been recommending from Dennis and Barb is
an awesome and massive collection of content. It’s at:

My Bonus when you pick up this all inclusive package is
a webinar training where I will share my ideas for how
you can make everything here unique as your own and set
up for recurring income. This webinar will be next Saturday,
January 5th at 11 am EST. Yes, I’ll be recording it if you
are unable to attend live.

I dreamed of having my own membership during my first
few years online, but it wasn’t possible because it was
very expensive to set up and also, I didn’t have enough

This “End of Year Evergreen Gems” package includes what
you need for three full years, if you can imagine that.

Please read through the page so the full impact of what is
included here hits you like a ton of bricks. So much! And
please do not be overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of what
is included here; I’ll teach you how to organize it in my
live webinar training on January 5th.

Hoping (more…)

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Online-Marketing, your profitable membership site for 2019…and

Hi Online-Marketing,

It’s the last weekend of the year and I thought you’d
want to know how you may have your own membership site
ready to go within the next week, and for a very small

My colleagues Barb Ling and Dennis Becker have now been
awarded “Deal of the Day” for this package, something
that is extremely rare. And right now it’s less than $23
for everything at:

My Bonus when you pick up this all inclusive package is
a webinar training where I will share my ideas for how
you can make everything here unique as your own and set
up for recurring income. This webinar will be next Saturday,
January 5th at 11 am EST. Yes, I’ll be recording it if you
are unable to attend live.

I dreamed of having my own membership during my first
few years online, but it wasn’t possible because it was
very expensive to set up and also, I didn’t have enough

This “End of Year Evergreen Gems” package includes what
you need for three full years, if you can imagine that.

Please read through the page so the full impact of what is
included here hits you like a ton of bricks. So much!

This one is on what is called a “dime sale”, meaning that
the price increases with each sale. And please remember my
Bonus is an invite to my webinar training on how to add all
of this content to your new or existing membership site.

Enjoy your Saturday and reflect on what you want as a part
of your life experience in the new year. I hope recurring
income from a membership site is near the top of your list.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

P.S. I would like for you to take a look at and consider
opting in to the lists of two savvy entrepreneurs who are
sharing their knowledge and expertise in the health field.

The first one is Shirley Noah at…

Her focus is on stress and how eating well can reduce it.

The second is from Cheryl (more…)

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Online-Marketing, what if you did it like this? – strategies

Hi Online-Marketing,

An early mentor of mine taught me how to grow my list
in a way that I continue to do today. The strategy
consists of setting up numerous opt in pages to reach
different segments of your audience. One prospect may
be interested in social media, another in analytics,
and yet another in hosting webinars on their topic.

Introducing: “2019 Marketing in a Box” PLR by Alice Seba:

This package includes 14 complete reports on topics like:

* Grow Your List with Local Events and Public Speaking
* Grow Your List with Webinars
* Grow Your List with Curation and Content Repurposing
* Eleven more on well researched topics…
* 12 Basic Opt in Reports and 2 Bonus Reports
* 14 Opt in Reports in all, and Editable Cover Graphics

Lead Generating Opt In Page Included…

Alice has even included the opt-in copy and created the
WordPress-ready code for you. She even hosts the images
for you so you can set this up quickly!

It’s only $27 for everything, but only for a short time.

My BONUS: You’ll be invited to a special training webinar
on Saturday, January 5th to learn how to add your content
(PLR and Original) to a membership site. The link is on
your download page after you purchase this package.

O ~ O ~ O ~

What’s next?

Now that you have your set of irresistible opt in reports
and opt in pages for different segments of your list, what
will you send them next?

I recommend high quality content on a topic that is suited
for a large segment of the population. Here’s one that I’m
using across the board and it’s on sale right now:

This complete PLR package from Justin Popovic includes:

* a 6K word main eBook
* 32 minutes audio book
* lead gen report
* 10 part autoresponder email sequence
* 10 related articles/2 mini-reports
* images, infographic, social media posters
* 30 tweets and 20 Facebook posts

At only $37 for the next two days, this is the fast track
to setting up your business for 2019.

The world of online entrepreneurship is much simpler than
you might be making it out to be. Email me with questions.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

P.S. Here’s (more…)

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Online-Marketing, this is brilliant – 20-minute business trainings!

Hi Online-Marketing,

My friend Cathy Demers was told it is impossible to deliver high-quality
education in the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee…she has proven
everyone wrong!

The Business Success Cafe is free, only 20 minutes, and it’s become a
very popular source for timely business education. That’s because it’s
the perfect coffee break for busy business owners…like you! I think
you’ll love it too:

This is business education and transformation at the speed of a good cup
of coffee!

There are two reasons I want you to check it out right away:

1. I am a featured Guest Expert at the Business Success Cafe during JANUARY
(You’ll love what I am going to teach you).

2. You won’t believe all the other experts lined up to teach you what you
need to know to be successful in business..for free..and in just 20 minutes!

In only 20 minutes you will learn extremely important information on today’s
hot business topics, insider secrets from global experts, and priceless tips
that will directly impact your bottom line.

I recommend you do this right away while it’s fresh in your mind…click here
to register to attend for FREE (and to get the replays):

“See” you at the Business Success (more…)

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Online-Marketing, multi-media makes more meaningful memories

Hi Online-Marketing,

During the five remaining days until 2019 I spend more
time thinking than acting in my business. This comes from
Richard Koch, author of “The 80/20 Principle.” He says:

“We should act less. Action drives out thought. It’s because
we have so much time that we squander it.”

My success tip today is for you to think about your goals
for 2019 and beyond for 80% of your time and act on the
best ideas you come up with for the remaining 20%.

Now, back to my message of multi-media. Here is Phase One:

Yes, I am a proponent of the written word. Blogs, books,
social media updates, short reports…they all have a
place in our lives.

But our world is spinning faster on its axis, or seemingly
so than ever before and the best way to connect with others
is through audio and video messages.

I created about fifty new videos for my YouTube channel
this year, but something was missing. That’s why I went
to an expert I’ve known personally for years, Lou Bortone.
Lou facilitated a small group mastermind last spring and
I was one of the participants. Lou knows video very well.

Today is the last day to get in on his personal video training
for only $47. There are 14 hours left as of this writing.

It’s a 7 Day Challenge that begins on January 7th and I’ll
be there right alongside you. Lou have spent all of his adult
life in the world of video, from working as an executive in
Los Angeles to pioneering ideas with YouTube when it began
in 2005. There is no one else I would consider learning with
than Lou Bortone.
[Only $47 until 9 pm EST Thursday]

On to Phase Two of your multi-media connection to others:

It is much easier to speak your message than to write it.
We never seem to suffer from “speaker’s block.”
And it’s much more convenient for our target audience to
listen to our message than it is for them to read it.

Once you understand and accept this as fact, it makes sense
to speak your message once a week or so through a podcast.

I’ve put together a small group – about twenty – of people
with whom I will work closely beginning next week. I spoke
with Mike Stewart – an expert in this area and he agreed to
open eight more spots for his training. It’s at:

This is the replay of the webinar I did with Mike a few
weeks ago. We’ll leave it up over the next few days, or
until all eight spots are filled.

You will have this small group as a community on Facebook
and one of my colleagues, Pamela Montgomery, will be there
as well. She’s been podcasting for several years now, and
has surpassed the amount of podcasts I’ve done over the
past several years. Please consider joining us.

= = =
Two Books at No Cost Today on Kindle

This is from veteran marketer Terry Dean:

“How to Sell Without Selling: Step-By-Step Marketing Formula
to Attract Ready-to-Buy Clients…Create Passive Income and
Make More Money While Making a Difference”

This one is from author Nina Amir:

“The Write Nonfiction NOW! (more…)

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