Online-Marketing, what’s on your radar right now? How may I help?

Hi Online-Marketing,

We are now six weeks into 2019 and you may be taking a
second look at where you are in your business. Are you
where you hoped to be by now, or still where you were
last fall?

I floundered when I was first online in 2006. I bought
lots of ten and twenty dollar products with hopes of
discovering a secret or two that would propel me and
my new business forward. A thousand dollars later and
I finally figured out what I needed was direction from
someone who had been there and was now successful.

Over these past thirteen years I have mentored almost
two hundred people, created more than a hundred products,
and taught over sixty online courses to three thousand
people. Those who follow my direction and advice often
build businesses earning as much or more than I earn
these days. I’m so very proud of what they’ve achieved.

When I created the Dotcom Jump Start program in January it
was meant to move the people in my mentor program ahead
quickly. They receive every course I teach for one dollar
as part of the benefit of being mentored by me.

Then I decided to open it up to others in my community.

If you are looking for a solid training program that will
take you through the end of April this could be for you.
We covered “Reconnecting With the Why of Your Business” in
Module One. “Revisiting Your Ideal Prospect” is Module Two.
Tomorrow we take a look at “Clarifying Your Current Profit
Picture.” Twelve weeks in all, step by step together.
[Use Code ACHIEVE to Save Two Hundred Dollars]

Slow and steady. One week at a time. Building you a solid
foundation on which to set up and grow a lucrative and
satisfying online business. No false hope or promises;
just proven strategies to help you achieve your goals.

Email me with any questions you may have. Check it out at:
[Use Code ACHIEVE to Save Two Hundred Dollars]

Using PLR (private label rights) content to create products
quickly is something I am known for. I only recommend and
purchase the highest quality PLR from people I know and
respect. Here are two excellent ones to take a look at:

1) “Boost Your Productivity to Get More Done with Less Stress”

This is a four week e-course from Alice Seba for $9.95.
Notice how she uses a video to explain what you’ll receive. – ends tomorrow

2) “Purpose Project: Finding and Following Your Life’s Purpose”

is from Justin Popovic and has huge potential.

I have two goals: (more…)

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Online-Marketing, rainy days at the movies always make me smile

Hi Online-Marketing,

It’s a rainy Sunday afternoon and we’re headed out to see
the film “Green Book.” Have you seen this one?

I wanted to share some items with you that I have bought
personally and know will be beneficial to your goal of
successful online entrepreneurship.

1) What Does a $10 Product Look Like?

That’s a question I’m asked regularly by my mentees
and students in my various marketing courses and

Reed Floren has just released one called…

“How to Find The Best Guest Blogging Opportunities
In ANY Niche Market!”

and this is an excellent example of extreme value
for only ten dollars (actually it is $9.97)

2) “Boost Your Productivity to Get More Done with Less Stress”

This is a four week e-course from Alice Seba for $9.95.
Notice how she uses a video to explain what you’ll receive. – ends soon

3) “Work Less, Do More” Bundle Closes in 9.5 Hours

If you have been wanting lots of excellent training at one
low investment – $27 – look no further than this awesome
Bundle. My contribution is normally priced at $149 and is
one of thirty-three packages you’ll have immediate access to:

Email me at any time with questions and concerns. I am here
to serve you!

To Your Massive Online Success,

P.S. My popular “Rethinking the Work Ethic” is free
through midnight at:

Please share and remember you do NOT need a Kindle
device to read this. I read on my laptop and iPad.

P.P.S. Are we connected on Twitter?
I’m (more…)

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Online-Marketing, something to brighten up your evening

Hi Online-Marketing,

My day is sailing along smoothly and I wanted to share
a couple of things with you. And before I forget, please
download and share my book – “Rethinking the Work Ethic”
– that is a free download through Sunday at:

I’m bouncing back and forth between #2 and #3 in the
leadership category and that makes me smile.

= = = = =
What Does a $10 Product Look Like?

That’s a question I’m asked regularly by my mentees
and students in my various marketing courses and

Reed Floren has just released one called…

“How to Find The Best Guest Blogging Opportunities
In ANY Niche Market!”

and this is an excellent example of extreme value
for only ten dollars (actually it is $9.97)

If this is of interest to you I highly recommend
Reed and his new training.

= = = = =
Hot Profitable Niches

This one is from David Perdew and if you love earning
small amounts of income from several different niches
this is for you. It’s only $12.99 right now.

= = = = =
“Work Less, Do More” Bundle Closes in 29 Hours

If you have been wanting lots of excellent training at one
low investment – $27 – look no further than this awesome
Bundle. My contribution is normally priced at $149 and is
one of thirty-three packages you’ll have immediate access to:

Email me at any time with questions and (more…)

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Online-Marketing, what we’ve got here is failure to communicate

Hi Online-Marketing,

If you recognize today’s subject line as a quote
from the 1967 film “Cool Hand Luke” then you’re
going to understand my message as it applies to
online marketing and entrepreneurship.

Communication is everything and sometimes it isn’t
so easy trying to get your ideas and messages out
to the world through email, social media, and blog

Instead, use audio and video to move in closer to
the people you wish to reach. It’s the next best
thing to being there in person.

Sales letters allow you more time to share your message
and that is why they are worth your effort to include
as much detailed information as possible.

Be careful with email, as your message can be misconstrued
so easily.

= = =
Have you subscribed to my new podcast? It is titled
“Praestabilis: Excellence in Marketing” at:

I’ll be recording my third episode this weekend, just
as soon as my cough and cold are on their way out.

= = =
“Rethinking the Work Ethic” is a complimentary download
this weekend. It’s available at no cost today at:

This book may be the one that changes your thinking and actions.
You do NOT need a Kindle device; read it on any device.

= = =
“Boost Your Productivity to Get More Done with Less Stress”

This is a four week e-course from Alice Seba for $9.95.
Notice how she uses a video to explain what you’ll receive.

= = =
“Work Less, Do More” Bundle Closes in 36 Hours

If you have been wanting lots of excellent training at one
low investment – $27 – look no further than this awesome
Bundle. My contribution is normally priced at $149 and is
one of thirty-three packages you’ll have immediate access to:

Email me at any time with questions and concerns. I am here
to (more…)

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Online-Marketing, why I was a day ahead of myself yesterday

Hi Online-Marketing,

Yesterday’s email message stated that my bestselling book,
“Rethinking the Work Ethic” was a complimentary download
on Kindle. It wasn’t. I’ve had a cold and cough and got
ahead of myself. It’s available at no cost today at:

This book may be the one that changes your thinking and actions.
You do NOT need a Kindle device; read it on any device.

If you’ve been on any of my monthly webinars about how to
use PLR (private label rights) content to grow you business
and increase your income quickly then you must take a look
at Alice Seba’s latest package for $9.95 at:

“Boost Your Productivity to Get More Done with Less Stress
4-Week Ecourse”

There is so much here and it’s ready for you to resell as your
own product or use for almost anything you can imagine. I like
to turn these high quality PLR packages into online courses
and earn a small fortune with them over time.

Finally, if you have been wanting lots of excellent training
at one low investment – $27 – then look no further than the
“Work Less, Do More” Bundle. Mine is one of them! You’ll have
access to all thirty-three packages immediately at:

Email me at any time with questions and concerns. I am here
to serve you!

To Your Massive Online Success,

~ Author of way too many books to mention, including bestseller
“Rethinking the Work Ethic” – digital version free today at:

“Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your
life forever.” ~ Keri Russell

P.S. Are we following each other on Medium?

P.P.S. Ellen Finkelstein and I have two more spots (more…)

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Online-Marketing, just a few spots remaining – turn your book into

Hi Online-Marketing,

If you are writing or have already written a book, is it
selling as well as you had hoped for? Are you turning the
book into an ongoing income stream?

I’ve published over twenty books and I began to develop a
system that works each and every time with non-fiction topics.

Last year I joined forces with Ellen Finkelstein, one of the
smartest authors and entrepreneurs working online today. We
decided to offer an ongoing program for writers who’ve written
or are in the process of authoring a book as the basis for an
online business. Our systems and strategies are very effective.

If your sales are slow or non-existent, or if you haven’t quite
put together how to create a lucrative income and lifestyle as
an author and entrepreneur, Ellen and I have now opened up our
popular program for four more people. It’s at:
[Discount Code QUICKPROFITS Saves You $50]

It’s called “Authors! The Quick Book-to-Business Profits Method”
and we love working with new and experienced non-fiction authors
to help get you into the profitable zone as quickly as possible.

Please let me know if you have questions on this. Our next live
session is today (Thursday) at 4 EST. Let us help you to turn
your crickets into leads, products, and cold cash.

To Your Massive Online Success,

~ Author of way too many books to mention, including bestseller
“Rethinking the Work Ethic” – digital version free today at:

P.S. Have you downloaded the many valuable products and courses
in the “Work Less, Do More” Bundle? Mine is one of them! $27
for all thirty-three packages here:

P.P.S. (more…)

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Online-Marketing, how to get rid of crickets – no creatures will be

Hi Online-Marketing,

It happens regularly. Someone will write to tell me they have
published a book and no one is buying it. Perhaps some of their
friends and family each purchase a copy but after twenty-five
sales everything comes to a screeching halt.


I’ve published over twenty books and learned my lesson on the
first one. My goal was to turn this book into an income stream
and it did not happen on its own. Instead, I began to develop
a system that works each and every time with non-fiction topics.

Last year I joined forces with Ellen Finkelstein, one of the
smartest authors and entrepreneurs working online today and we
decided to offer an ongoing program for writers who have written
or are in the process of authoring a book as the basis for their
online business. Our systems and strategies work very effectively.

Have You Written or Are You Writing a Book?

If your sales are slow or non-existent, or if you haven’t quite
put together how to create a lucrative income and lifestyle as
an author and entrepreneur, Ellen and I have now opened up our
popular program for six more people. It’s at:
[Discount Code QUICKPROFITS Saves You $50]

It’s called “Authors! The Quick Book-to-Business Profits Method”
and we love working with new and experienced non-fiction authors
to help get you into the profitable zone as quickly as possible.

Please let me know if you have questions on this. Our next live
session is tomorrow (Thursday) at 4 EST. Let me help you to turn
your crickets into leads, products, and cold cash.

To Your Massive Online Success,

~ Author of way too many books to mention, including
the bestseller “Living the Mentored Life”:

P.S. Did you know you can profit by giving away content at no cost?
Here are four examples…

1) “Increase Your Focus for Better Productivity”

2) “Free Downloadable S.M.A.R.T. Goals Worksheet
with Private Label Rights”

3) “30+ Free Gift Ideas for More Email Subscribers”

4) (more…)

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Online-Marketing, when the rain goes away the sun comes out to play

Hi Online-Marketing,

We have sunshine again! It will be short-lived but it is
still fun to have to wear my sunglasses and to let Maggie
the cat enjoy the outdoors in her custom built cattio.

Module Two of my Dotcom Jump Start program is this evening
and there are still three spots remaining to come in for
only half price.
[Code EARLY Saves You 50%]

Ask yourself some hard questions to see if this is right for you.

* Do you want/need significant additional income this year to
accomplish your personal and business goals?
* Are you able to make the commitment to do the work for the
next twelve weeks?
* Can you stay focused on the tasks and activities required to
make this happen with my guidance and mentoring?

If you answered YES! to these three questions I want you to take
a closer look at this new program to see if it resonates with you.
[Code EARLY Saves You 50%]

My goal with this is to serve you as if you were a close friend
or family member. You deserve to create the lifestyle you want
as a part of your life experience. We all do.

Email me with any questions on this or other aspects of your

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

~ Author of way too many books to mention, including
the bestseller “Living the Mentored Life”:

P.S. Have you downloaded (more…)

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Online-Marketing, an explanation of upsells, front end offers, and

Hi Online-Marketing,

This morning I had a mentoring session with one of my most
productive clients. His niche is time management and I asked
him if he had downloaded Alice Seba’s no cost package that
ends tonight. (It’s at
if you still need to download it).

His answer almost knocked me off my chair. He said,

“No, I figured if it was free then it wouldn’t be of any
value to me. But I did purchase two things you recommended
over the weekend.”

He did not believe this package had value because it was being
given away as a no cost download. I’m still shaking my head.
Yes, a short rant is coming…

When I started online at the beginning of 2006 there was a
huge discussion going on from people who had been entrepreneurs
on the internet for years. It was all about “moving the free
line” and giving away products and courses of greater value in
order to attract new clients who would see what you had to offer.
This has continued and that is why we have so much stored on
our hard drives and in Dropbox and in our Amazon S3 accounts.

Free stuff sells well and teaches us much. This is a benefit to
everyone and leads to us getting to know people we might not
have connected with otherwise.

A “front end” offer is something for sale at a regular or sale
price. An “upsell” is something offered at a special price once
we have purchased the main “front end’ offer.

Does this make sense? The point here is to be open to taking a
look at all offers that appeal to you. Whether they are at zero
cost, special pricing, or discounted after you purchase, they
can all lead to excellent information, training, and content
to build your business.

= = =
Have You Written or Are You Writing a Book?

If your sales are slow or non-existent, or if you haven’t quite
put together how to create a lucrative income and lifestyle as
an author and entrepreneur, Ellen Finkelstein and I have opened
up our popular program for six more people. It’s at:
[Discount Code QUICKPROFITS Saves You $50]

It’s called “Authors! The Quick Book-to-Business Profits Method”
and we love working with new and experienced non-fiction authors
to help get you into the profitable zone as quickly as possible.

Please let me know if you have questions (more…)

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Online-Marketing, why I want you to take a second look at Dotcom

Hi Online-Marketing,

Let’s talk about your success in building a profitable online
business during 2019. Do you believe it will happen? Who else
believes in your ability to achieve this formidable goal?

I’ve been at this since 2006 and my first year was anything but
stellar. Living on the money I had cashed out of my retirement
program with the State of California after teaching for twenty
years, I soon realized entrepreneurship was going to be a steep
learning curve for me. I dug in and made it happen, replacing my
previous income of over 125K – 150K/year with teaching and real
estate within an eighteen month period. Now this can be achieved
more quickly for a variety of reasons.

And I vowed to make it easier for others once I put the pieces
together and this is a promise I keep every day. There is no
blueprint for entrepreneurial success, but I now have it down
to a science rather than an art. This means that there are some
specific steps you must take along the way to be able to go from
zero earnings in an online business to significantly supplementing
or replacing your income during a six month to one year period.

I am teaching these proven strategies in my Dotcom Jump Start
course. Module One is waiting for you in the member’s area. Module
Two is tomorrow and you may still come aboard at a 50% discount.
[Code EARLY Saves You 50%]

Ask yourself some hard questions to see if this is right for you.

* Do you want/need significant additional income this year to
accomplish your personal and business goals?
* Are you able to make the commitment to do the work for the
next twelve weeks?
* Can you stay focused on the tasks and activities required to
make this happen with my guidance and mentoring?

If you answered YES! to these three questions I want you to take
a closer look at this new program to see if it resonates with you.
[Code EARLY Saves You 50%]

My goal with this is to serve you as if you were a close friend
or family member. You deserve to create the lifestyle you want
as a part of your life experience. We all do.

Email me with any questions on this or other aspects of your

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

~ (more…)

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