Online-Marketing, this turned my life around completely

Hi Online-Marketing,

Thirty-two years ago today the Challenger
space shuttle exploded in space, just 73
seconds after liftoff. I watched from the
conference room at my real estate office
along with half a dozen others, and we
were all in shock. I’d been following the
story of Christa McAuliffe, the teacher
and first civilian in space.

I had always thought about teaching as a
career and on that day my life turned
around. Going after my dream, within a
few months I was teaching on an emergency
credential and doing what I loved.

Where were you that day?

I have only two spots remaining in my new
Authority Blogging training program at:

Email me to see if you qualify for a coupon
to come in at a discount.

Also, the Intensive Content Results 30 Day
Challenge begins tomorrow, and you will want
to come aboard if you haven’t already.
(Grab the PLR Rights and You’re in Business!)

Content creation, marketing, and syndication
make it possible for you to have 10X as much
content out there, sort of like being cloned.
Alice is a master on this topic – content
repurposing, not cloning!

Email me if you have questions, comments, or
just want to connect. I truly love hearing
from you.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

P.O. Box 800268
Santa Clarita CA 91380

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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