Online-Marketing, the truth about independence and freedom as an

Hi Online-Marketing,

Yesterday my Canadian friends celebrated Canada Day and on Thursday
the States celebrate Independence Day. You read and hear a lot about
the wonderful world of online entrepreneurship and how it enables us
to work from anywhere and create the life we choose.

Hold on a minute…there’s more to the story. Much more.

Before you can enjoy this lifestyle most will only dream of you must
engage in something few are willing to fully embrace.

Hard work. Diligence. Consistency. Perseverance.

There’s more, but this is an excellent start. I realized within a few
months of coming online that I would succeed simply because I was one
of a select group of people willing take action on what I was learning.
I was both saddened and thrilled when I figured this out. Then I got
busy taking action so that I could live this “internet lifestyle.” I
even wrote a book about it. Will you be one of the select few?

I am most proud of my blogs and other writing. This is the area that
continues to define me and to increase my income. Blogging led to my
first book in 2010 and just a few weeks ago I published my 21st book.

My “Really Simple Authority Blogging” comprehensive course will make
a difference in how you approach and succeed with blogging and other
writing. Creating an “authority blog” is worth your time and effort,
both personally and financially.

For the next 8 people I’ve slashed the investment from $499 to $99

[Coupon Code AUTHORITY Gives You 80% Off]

Email me today if you have questions about how this course will make
your business grow and shift your results during the remainder of 2019.

= = =
One last chance to join Visionary Business School – new payment plan

Half a dozen people came aboard through me last week and another 10 or
so wrote to tell me they wanted to work with Ryan Eliason and with me
but needed a payment plan.

On Sunday I was one of the affiliates who spoke with Ryan about this and
he is now offering a 12 pay so you may get in now.

If you want to grow a business that generates financial prosperity and
supports a beautiful life while you focus on your passion to serve, this
is for you. And like I stressed above, hard work is required.

My BONUS: You’ll be in a mentoring group with no more than a dozen people
and I will personally guide you through this program for a full year. I’ve
worked with Ryan three times and feel uniquely qualified to help you make
the transformation from where you are now to a place that will change it
all for you in a way you cannot imagination today. Email me for more info.

Have a fantastic day and let me know how I may best serve you.

To Your Inspired Entrepreneurial Success,

P.S. My latest podcast episode has dropped at:

The topic is “standing out from the crowd in your field.”

P.P.S. “Convert Every Blog Post into 6 Different Pieces of Content
for Your Business!” Free 7 Day Training from Coach Glue at:

Justin Popovic is insightful well beyond his years. Download his
“PLR Success Pack” to use as your own at: (Free)

P.P.P.S. My latest post is for young people this summer:

How to Spend Summer Vacation


P.O. Box 800268
Santa Clarita CA 91380

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