Hi Online-Marketing,
Alexa woke me up at 3:45 this morning so I could
see the moon at its largest, fullest, and closest
to the earth in all of 2019. It’s three hours
later and it is still a sight to behold. I love
lunar lore and space stuff.
If you missed this one, there will be a different
type of supermoon on March 21st and a blue moon on
the 18th of May.
Confidence for Entrepreneurs and Human Beings
When I started online in 2006 I was a very different
person than I am today. My confidence in myself and
my self-esteem were at all time lows. My goal was to
make it through my life without causing any commotion
and to not draw attention to myself in any way. These
days I embrace the attention of others and seem to be
always in the public eye in my community and with my
work. This has brought about amazing results.
I’m still an introvert and spend much time alone. But
I would not trade the life I have been able to create
for anything. I’m proud of what I have achieved as an
author, with my products and courses, public speaking,
and mentoring.
My mentoring has opened up the lives of the people I
work with in a way that spills over to their personal
lives. If you’re on a call with me, ask me to share
some details that will melt your heart.
Yes, I still have one opening in my Mentor program I’d
love to fill before I close it down for another several
months. The work we will do together is nothing short
of magic. Hit “reply” for further details.
Coaching Instead of Mentoring
If the thought of having me as your mentor isn’t right
for you at this time, my recommendation is coaching
with Dennis Becker and Barb Ling. You may start for one
dollar at:
It’s then $47/month for 12 months or one time of $500.
After that you get everything in their program at no
additional investment. This makes sense if your goal
is to earn income from your online efforts and endeavors.
***I do not recommend anyone else’s programs except for
Barb and Dennis when it comes to building a sustainable
online business. No one else understands and teaches in
a way that is comparable to how I teach and mentor.
Flash Sale – Really Simple Authority Blogging
This is a premiere course for new/newer online entrepreneurs
and I’m having a holiday flash sale for only $79 at:
[Code AUTHORITY Brings it Down to $79]
Currently in Home Study…You’ll Be Included for Two Full Years!
This Flash Sale Ends in 36 Hours So Please Do Not Hesitate.
Ready to Double Your Sales in the Next 30 Days?
This is all new from Amanda Craven, my brilliant colleague
in the U.K. It’s called “Total Turnaround” and will totally
turn your thinking and your business around very quickly.
Enjoy your day. Have confidence in everything you do. Know
that I am only an email away from wherever you are. You can
achieve anything with guidance from the right people.
To Your Massive Online Success,
P.S. How Long Should it Take to Write a Book…Will it Be Any Good?
Most authors are full of questions. They’re also full of energy,
doubts, enthusiasm, hesitation and more. I have have a few opinions
on this topic at:
How Long Should It Take to Write a Book and Will it Be Any Good?
[My Training…Available at No Cost or Obligation]
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Santa Clarita CA 91380
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