Hi Online-Marketing,
I thought today would be an excellent day to share
a few things with you that will help you to market
yourself, your books, and your products much better.
#1 Follow Your Favorite Authors
Did you know that if you follow authors on Amazon you
are the first to know about our new releases and when
we put a book on sale or offer it at no cost? Please
follow me to see what I mean:
Click where it says “Follow” and it will change to “Following”
#2 I spent less than thirty minutes yesterday moving
more than twenty books from Create Space (which will be
gone in a couple of weeks) over to my Kindle Direct
Publishing account. It was painless, there was no way
to mess it up, and now my Kindle and paperback versions
of the same book will be connected! Are you on Kindle?
I can help you with that. 😉
#3 When you recommend something through your affiliate
link, it depends upon the platform as to whether or not
you will earn income when someone buys from them in the
future. Here are three that pay you forever:
affiliateLinksandTools.com (my affiliate site)
connieLoves.me/BecomeAnAffiliate (Cindy Bidar)
connieLoves.me/CreatingHabits (Susanne & Tracy
from Piggy Makes Bank – grab your free PLR then scroll
to the bottom and click on “affiliates”)
#4 The reason I use a lowercase letter at the beginning
of all my links is because some email providers block
links from being clickable if you do not.
#5 Tell others as much about yourself as possible so they
will remember you through your story. Even if you have
only been a part of my community for a short while you
most likely know that I am former classroom teacher, live
in two cities (Santa Barbara and Santa Clarita in California),
and love volunteering with a variety of groups. Share your
story and become more alive to your prospects and clients.
#6 Combine some of your blog posts and other writing into
a report you can share with your community. Here is one I
put together on time management and productivity:
#7 Offer something at no cost to introduce your audience
to someone you know and respect. Here are my two examples:
#8 When you are offered content at no cost, turn it into
a blog post and recommend the site that provided it to you.
#9 Create a low cost product to grow your list while also
showcasing your knowledge around the topic. Here’s mine:
I hope this has been helpful. If so, save it in a safe place
and implement what I am sharing here. Email me any time with
your questions and comments.
To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green
P.S. If you only have time to implement one of these today,
please choose #1, as it will only take you two minutes.
P.O. Box 800268
Santa Clarita CA 91380
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