Online-Marketing, she just smiled when she saw me

Hi Online-Marketing,

Welcome to You if You’re New to My Community – I’m Here to Serve You!

It was last week, on Tuesday I believe that I told my neighbor it was the last day of swimming in her pool until next spring. We talked a little while longer, me swimming back and forth vigorously and her up on the deck watching me. Imagine her surprise when she came outside this afternoon to find me swimming once again. With the temperature in Santa Clarita, my desert city reaching 104 Fahrenheit/40 Celsius for the past couple of days it was possible to enjoy the water once again.
“I don’t believe you any more,” she said laughingly. I had told her twice previously it was my last day and then it warmed up again and I jumped in for a cool dip. I truly think today was the last day, but I didn’t dare say that to her.

I’ve had so much positive feedback with what I have shared about the blueprint for entrepreneurs I came up with for my clients at my Santa Barbara Retreat over the weekend. But it’s too much to share within an email, so I’m creating it as a blog post to give you the link to tomorrow. I will include all three days of what to do, how to do it, and resources that will help you to get there faster. If someone had done that for me back in 2006 I would have been most appreciative.

Here are three things not to miss today:

First up is something you can easily set up for chiropractors, starting with those within an hour or less from where you live. It’s from Jeanne Kolenda and Dr. Ben Adkins. Jeanne attended the first live event I co-hosted back in 2010. During a call we had before she came I encouraged her to write an article and submit it to an article directory so it would be published by the time she arrived. She did so reluctantly and was excited when I made a big deal of her and her writing from the stage. Jeanne hasn’t hesitated to take action ever again and her business has skyrocketed over this past decade.

Dr. Ben and I first met at Dennis Becker’s event in Las Vegas in 2012 and continue to be friends. In 2014 we both participated in a private retreat in Cabo San Lucas and that’s when I got to know his wife, Kellie Jo very well. He’s a chiropractor who has been teaching other chiropractors, and other small business owners how to get more business for many years. He has done this full time for a decade now.I want you to take a close look at this new membership site they have set up and decide if this is for you.

It’s misleading in that the sales page highlights the 72 social media graphic images you will receive, and neglects to focus on the detailed training that’s included. There are nine short videos and I have gone through each of them. They have now sold over 100 copies of this product (all housed neatly in their well organized membership site) and the price will increase from $27 to $97 soon. My Special Bonus: Purchase the main training and graphics for $27 and any ONE of the upsells and you and I will schedule a time to speak privately about this business model.

When I got started online it was affiliate marketing and then local business marketing that took me to six figures within my first 18 months. I even wrote a bestselling book on how you can do this and it was published at the end of May of this year. This business model is a money maker and fun to do as well. What Jeanne and Dr. Ben are offering here can earn you at least a hundred dollars a month from each client and it will take you less that two hours a month to set up, deliver, and use as an example to get your next client.

Next up is from Dennis Becker and Barb Ling and will teach you how to create digital information products that are evergreen, meaning they will be relevant for many years into the future. You will be able to do this once a week and really get a jump start on 2020 in the process.I’ve been taking several weeks to create my products this year and intend to get back to the speedy process shared in this training. It’s $9.95 at:

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you of something I am a part of that is closing at midnight tonight. It’s the Side Hustle Toolbox 2.0 Ends. This is something I want you to take a close look at…it’s NOT a bundle or a giveaway, but a carefully selected group of people (I am honored to have been selected to participate) and products that will lead you closer to entrepreneurial success.

You will become a part of this group and it will be like having private mentors in each area you need to learn and implement. I have never seen anything like this and $49 is a ridiculously low investment. My Bonus: Come in through me and you and I will have a one hour private mentoring session to discuss your business and goals leading into 2020.

Email me any time if you have questions. I’m here to serve you.

To Your Massive Online Success,

P.S. Some free downloads for you!

1) The “Special Mini Happiness & Gratitude Journal” from Melody Wigdahl – Use Code CONNIESFRIENDS to download at no cost.
She is also including a $5 off coupon for anything in her store. I love what she creates for us to use.

2) Alice Seba has free training for you and this is short and to the point… “Boost Your Marketing with Three Simple Daily Tasks” at:

Scroll down to download anything/everything you like at zero cost.

3) The “PLR Success Pack” is from Justin Popovic – turn it into your new product!

4) Sharyn Sheldon shares a report that includes “137 Power Words for High-Converting Copy that Sells”

5) Dennis Becker shares eight original profit-inducing reports with you at:

P.P.S. My latest post has published at
My latest article has published on Medium at


P.O. Box 800268
Santa Clarita CA 91380

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