Hi Online-Marketing,
As someone who is a part of my community on the
internet, I want to applaud you for being so
creative when it comes to putting together your
own monthly membership program. We have been
talking about ideas for recurring income and what
has been shared with me so far has been extremely
interesting and downright brilliant.
Without sharing any one person’s proprietary idea,
I will tell you they range from one where it will
consist of a roundtable of no more than 12 members
(I can relate to this one because my own Platinum
Mastermind never goes above 20 people in any given
year) to another person’s big idea to include a
thousand members who have the goal of authorship,
entrepreneurship, publishing, and getting to seven
figures in seven years (also very doable based on
my own experiences).
Tonight at midnight is the deadline to pick up the
package from Coach Glue for $77 that grants you
admission to my webinar training on June 16th at
11 am ET where we will bring it all together for
you as you prepare to launch your new group.
“How to Create a Low-Maintenance Monthly Club
for Recurring Income”
[Code 77 Brings it Down to $77]
So for today, allow yourself to daydream and to
imagine the group you’d like to put together,
where you will serve as captain, facilitator, and
trusted advisor to like-minded people who will
have come together for the purpose of learning and
improving their own lives as well as the lives of
others with the “ripple effect.”
You are capable of much more than you may be giving
yourself credit for at this point in your life,
and having your own monthly group will give you wings
on which to soar to new heights.
Email me any time – I’m in and out today working on
on a few things.
To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green
“I have new dreams every day.” ~ Dolly Parton
P.S. This “Recurring Income” Workshop is a $297 value
and currently only available to those in Coach Glue’s
monthly or annual program. Please do not hesitate if a
recurring income model is your goal. I am the only one
able to offer this package through midnight tonight.
[Code 77 Brings it Down to $77]
P.P.S. connieLoves.me/AllAccessMonthly
[$97 a month includes EVERYTHING they offer]
This content will increase your income many times over,
as it has continued to do for me for four years now.
P.O. Box 800268
Santa Clarita CA 91380
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