Online-Marketing, doing the work is so much easier – and more

Hi Online-Marketing,

This past week two of my clients separately came to Santa Barbara for VIP days with me. In each case, we were following up on work we had done together over the previous six months. One is a man I first met in my other city, Santa Clarita. He’s an actor-writer-singer-voiceover creative who wants to achieve bigger goals in his career. When we began last spring he was paying someone to go to auditions for him and paying someone else to call agents and authors about doing voice over work. He thought of this as the “easy button” yet not getting any results. I told him he had to do the work; make the calls himself so others could hear his voice and attend the auditions in person so they could see and hear and get to know him. His results are massive now and he is being paid well to do the things he does best. The other client is an author who was having someone else do her marketing and even some of her writing. Now she is doing all of this
herself, based on what I am teaching her and her results are outstanding. In both cases, they told me it was easier to do this work themselves because they were missing out on important opportunities.

Are you willing to do the work when it comes to building your online business? Learn what you need to do and then do it. It’s truly that simple and continues to work for me.

Yesterday I asked you a hypothetical question regarding setting up simple profiles on Twitter and Facebook for local business clients. It goes like this:

If I were a local business owner and confided in you that I needed help setting up a Twitter account for my business, would you say yes? This happened to me in the summer of 2008 when I met a local chiropractor at a Home & Garden show and we began talking about our businesses. He leaned in and said he knew he should be on Twitter but didn’t know how. I offered to show him and he offered to pay me to do it for him instead. We shook hands and he became my fifth local business client.
The going rate for only setting up Twitter and Facebook and posting three times a week is $99 a month. If you do more for them your fee increases. Social Biz Box is $9 through Sunday and teaches you so much about doing this easily from your home computer.

What else will you need? My smart friends Ron Douglas and Alice Seba thought Twitter templates, worksheets, a planner, and checklists would be helpful. It’s called “Twitter Domination” and you can get a full month for only $5 here:
Use Code FIVE to get in for $5
Yes, you may cancel after this month, but December the templates are for LinkedIn so you may just want to stay. This is a top secret offer this weekend, so don’t share it with anyone just yet.

It will cost you $14 ($9 for Social Biz Box and $5 for Twitter Domination) to get started right away. And, you may use everything for your own business as well as for all the clients you like. These two go together like chocolate and peanut butter or chocolate and just about anything else!

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“Time Management Strategies for Entrepreneurs: How to Manage Your Time to Increase Your Bottom Line” is a FREE download through midnight. Click on “formats and editions” and choose Kindle to see it at $0.00. It’s also free all over the world when you search by title and my name. Please share the link with anyone who will benefit and leave me an honest review if you have the time and inclination.

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Ugly Sweaters can give you a pretty great side income…and it’s fun! (Great as a family project as well)

Alessandro Zamboni is my Italian friend who continues to share what he’s making money with online and he makes it simple to replicate. “Ugly Sweaters Empire” is a $17 product on creating ugly sweater designs to sell as print-on-demand on Amazon, eBay, and Etsy. Ask a family member to join you and turn this into a family business, at least through the holidays.

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April Lemarr is having a 40% off sale to celebrate life, the universe, and everything, and it’s good on anything in her PLR shop. Use the code SPOOKY to receive your discount. Here are three of my favorites (but everything in her shop is on sale):
Vision Board Inspiration at:

Have Fun with Public Speaking at:

Reignite Your Goal Setting at:

Like I mentioned, the code SPOOKY is good for 40% off on anything and is ending soon. Here are two free PLR packs from April to download and use as your own. – Meal Prep and Planning for Busy People – Business Goal Planning

I finally embraced the idea of buying and using private label rights (PLR) content in my business in a variety of ways several years ago and my income continues to increase as a result. April’s PLR is high quality and she has more than two hundred packages to choose from. Begin by looking at the three I have suggested and the two free packs and be sure to use your 40% off coupon – SPOOKY – when you check out for everything in your cart.

Enjoy your weekend and email me with any questions you have. I’m here to serve you!

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

Please Follow me on Twitter –
Read my latest articles –

P.S. Did you listen? I’ve released my 20th podcast episode for 2019. I discuss the entrepreneurial blueprint that’s working well for those I teach and mentor, as well as my thoughts on the World Series. This episode is ready at

P.P.S. Posts of interest…

Small Habits Lead to Big Changes

The ONE Thing for Entrepreneurs

P.P.P.S. After you pick up my time management book for free (above) take a look at this collagen supplement I’ve been taking for four months. I’ve had zero issues with my Achilles tendon and my skin looks fantastic! This size lasts me for about six weeks.


P.O. Box 800268
Santa Clarita CA 91380

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