Online-Marketing, did you watch my new video?

Hi Online-Marketing,

It’s only about three minutes long and
shares a very personal message about why
I believe authorship is so important.

Please subscribe to my channel so you won’t
miss any of the upcoming videos I’m sharing.

Marcus wrote in with a great question. He
asked me…

“What if I’m not sure what to write about?
Is your Write – Publish – Prosper course
still right for me?”

The answer is that that question is the one
MOST often asked and the biggest reason most
of the people who want to write a book won’t
accomplish their goal.

My solution…you and I will schedule a call
to discuss possible topics for you. Remember
that I now have written fifteen bestsellers,
so I know a thing or two about how to help you.
(Only $99 With Code WPP)

I feel more strongly than ever that writing
on a daily basis is a habit you will want to
continue to improve. My 16th book is moving
forward and I want you to help you during
2018 in a positive and profitable way with
your first or next book.
(Only $99 With Code WPP)

And please take four minutes to watch my very
short and to the point video at:

Enjoy your day and think about how becoming a
bestselling author in 2018 will change things.

To Your Massive Online Success,

P.S. Coach Glue has 10 blog posts for $17 at:

If you’ll be joining my new authority blogging
training in a couple of weeks, these posts will
serve you well and save you lots of time.

Here is a no cost Done-for-You Content Marketing
Templates package from Aice Seba:

And don’t forget to pick up your complimentary
“$47 PLR Case Study” from David Perdew at:

P.O. Box 800268
Santa Clarita CA 91380

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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