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Author Bio-Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green helps new entrepreneurs build their business with online marketing and technology. She is an expert in article marketing and affiliate marketing and has written several books on these topics.
DISCLOSURE - Many articles will contain affiliate links for recommended products or services. These are personally used and reviewed by Connie and she'll receive commission for any resulting sales.
Category Archives: Marketing
Online-Marketing, it’s super sunny small business Saturday
Hi Online-Marketing, I’m having so much fun over this holiday weekend! Last night we saw The Girl in the Spider’s Web and it had us on the edge of our chairs. Two of my extended family members were born and raised in Sweden and I loved hearing them whisper back and forth to each other when they recognized a location. We’ve all stayed away from the mall but I’ve picked up some excellent online deals. How about you? I’ve now added a fourth course to my weekend sale at a significant discount and you may take a look at what I have for you at: connieragengreen.com/thanksgiving/ You will read about my “why” on that page, as well as learning more about how I choose to spend my time because I only work about 15 to 20 hours in any week. Scroll to the bottom of that page to see all of the training courses that are marked down significantly. Each one is on sale for 72 hours, so please do not hesitate when you see something you’d like. My first sale ends at midnight tonight. = = = = = = = = Whatever You Do, Don’t Miss This One! If you love planners and journals as much as I do and want to sell them online, give them to clients, friends, and family, and have total control over this part of your business for pennies a day, this is definitely for you! connieLoves.me/DesignaDay This is Shawn Hansen’s brand new program today where you receive a new template package every single day, delivered within a membership site so you don’t have to search to find exactly what you need when you want it. It’s on sale for $17 a month for a couple of days and enables you and I to turn our love for journals and planners into a lucrative online business. connieLoves.me/DesignaDay My Special Bonus: Grab the two upsells, stay in this program, and every other month you and I will jump on a call to discuss how you can use these templates to grow your specific business. = = = = = = = = I’m Giving Away More Books! Two are Free on Kindle! 1) “The Weekend Marketer: Say Goodbye to the ‘9 to 5’ Build an Online Business, and Live the Life You Love” connieLoves.me/twmk 2) The Gift of Gratitude My selection is on page … {…continue reading…}
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Online-Marketing, why this day is a fantastic one for you and for me
Hi Online-Marketing, Welcome if You’ve Come in via the “Feast” and Hello Again if You’ve Been with me for Awhile! Either way, I am thrilled to have you here. They call it “black” Friday because historically this has been the day retailers are finally in the black in terms of earnings. In the online world we reach the profitable stage by the end of February each year. This is yet another benefit to working online with low overhead. I prefer to call today “Fantastic Friday” and pass my joy on to you in terms of savings, gifts, and resources. I have now added a third course to my weekend sale at a significant discount and you may take a look at what I have for you at: connieragengreen.com/thanksgiving/ You will read about my “why” on that page, as well as learning more about how I choose to spend my time because I only work about 15 to 20 hours in any week. Scroll to the bottom of that page to see all of the training courses that are marked down significantly. Each one is on sale for 72 hours, so please do not hesitate when you see something you’d like. = = = = = = = = Whatever You Do, Don’t Miss This One! If you love planners and journals as much as I do and want to sell them online, give them to clients, friends, and family, and have total control over this part of your business for pennies a day, this is definitely for you! connieLoves.me/DesignaDay This is Shawn Hansen’s brand new program today where you receive a new template package every single day, delivered within a membership site so you don’t have to search to find exactly what you need when you want it. connieLoves.me/DesignaDay It’s on sale for $17 a month for a couple of days and enables you and I to turn our love for journals and planners into a lucrative online business. My Special Bonus: Grab the two upsells, stay in this program, and every other month you and I will jump on a call to discuss how you can use these templates to grow your specific business. = = = = = = = = I’m Giving Away More Books! Three are Free on Kindle! I’ve added “The Weekend Marketer: Say Goodbye to the ‘9 to 5’, Build an Online Business, and … {…continue reading…}
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Online-Marketing, musings of the day and in sincere gratitude
Hi Online-Marketing, From My Home to Yours – Wherever You Are in the World… Happy Thanksgiving! Even though today is traditionally a holiday in the States, I believe we are an international community and can all benefit by working together to achieve our dreams and goals. Later today I will be a part of a holiday dinner that includes people from three countries and two continents. If you were wondering whether I am offering anything I teach at a significant discount because of the holiday the answer is YES! Two online courses and three books… Today I have not one, but three free books on Kindle for you! 1) Huge Profits with a Tiny List: connieLoves.me/HugeProfitsTinyList (Click on “formats” and choose Kindle) Originally published in 2010, I updated it completely last year. This one will get you started online. 2) Book. Blog. Broadcast. The Trifecta of Entrepreneurial Success gives you a structure and blueprint to follow. connieLoves.me/BBBK 3) The Gift of Gratitude My selection is on page 42 – we’ll take turns around the Thanksgiving table later today reading selections from this book: connieLoves.me/GiftofGratitude No cost for any of these for the Kindle versions! = = = = = My Specially Discounted Courses Continue I’ve added another of my courses to my list. Please remember that each one is only on sale for 72 hours. connieragengreen.com/thanksgiving/ You will read about my “why” on that page, as well as learning more about how I choose to spend my time because (more…)
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Online-Marketing, why I do what I do – a special package for you
Hi Online-Marketing, I hope your day is going smoothly. I’m finishing up a book and then going for a haircut later on. I refuse to allow the holidays to change my day in any way. My schedule is much the same and I like it that way. Are you being inundated with holiday specials? I have one for you as well and carefully thought out what the best one would be for your needs. Read about it here: connieragengreen.com/thanksgiving/ You will read about my “why” on that page, as well as learning more about how I choose to spend my time because I only work about 15 to 20 hours in any week. Be sure to download my book while it is still free: connieLoves.me/HugeProfitsTinyList Originally published in 2010, I updated it completely last year. This is one of my gifts to you this week. To Your Massive Success and in Gratitude, Connie Ragen Green P.S. Post to your blog through the end of 2019 for less than thirty cents a post! $17 for sixty posts: connieLoves.me/CoachGlueSale High (more…)
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Online-Marketing, it was on a Thursday twelve years ago
Hi Online-Marketing, I made my first sale of a product I created on Thursday, November 23rd, 2006. It was also on Thanksgiving Day and I couldn’t have been more grateful. A year later I met the man who’d bought my course. He was driving through my city on his way to San Diego and met me at my Rotary Club meeting to have lunch and talk. By then my business had taken off and I was selling lots of my own products and courses, as well as affiliate products and courses. The following week I took the microphone and told my fellow Rotarians the story of the man who had visited our Club. They gave me a standing ovation for having the courage to start a business and to follow through with what I had begun. People who’d been in business for thirty or forty years came up to shake my hand and give me a hug. I thought you might enjoy hearing this story so close to our U.S. Thanksgiving. I am still so grateful for this life I have created with your help and encouragement. Yesterday I created a short report for you called: “How to Grow Your List and Grow Your Income” connieLoves.me/GrowYourList It’s a no cost download. No opt in required. My gift to you. I’ll wait while you click on the link to download it. Got it? It took me twenty minutes to put that together. No software. No tricks. Just copy and paste. Now I have a new free giveaway to grow my list. I’ll be teaching exactly how I do this in a new course I hope to have ready at the beginning of January 2019. Sounds so far away but it’s actually just six more weeks. Before the weekend is out I will create a short video on how you can get started doing this yourself. Oh, I almost forgot to share my Wild Wednesday offer with you. There will be another one for Thankful Thursday and yet another on Friendship Friday. Email me if you’d like to see it now or wait until later today for all of the details. For now, download the book that started it all for me, “Huge Profits with a Tiny List: 50 Ways to Use Relationship Marketing to Increase Your Bottom Line” connieLoves.me/HugeProfitsTinyList Originally published in 2010, I updated it completely last year. This is … {…continue reading…}
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Online-Marketing, in gratitude and support for your entrepreneurial
Hi Online-Marketing, If you are new to my community through the “feast”, welcome. If you’ve been here awhile and have stuck with me, thank you. I am grateful to have you as a part of my community and will work hard to earn your trust. My goal is to help you build a profitable online business to live the lifestyle you choose. Tomorrow I will begin sharing some special deals on my courses with you, and also I am giving away three of my popular books. Today I’m going to share some valuable resources with you. Private label rights (PLR) content allows you to be a prolific blogger, info product creator, and online course creator. Here are some of my favorite PLR providers with no cost content: Free PLR to Grow Your Business My friends at Coach Glue also have a package of high quality PLR – sixty blog posts – for only $17 right now. you may pick up these “all new” posts on a variety of topics for 28 cents each with a brand new bundle from Coach Glue at: connieLoves.me/CoachGlueSale – only $17 This is sixty posts for only $17 right now, which you may schedule at one per week from now through the end of 2019, repurpose into products and online courses, and much more. I come from humble beginnings and in my 20s began a career in real estate as a way to own my own home. At age 30 I went back to school to earn my teaching credential after being inspired by Christa McAuliffe. When I turned fifty I left that life behind to become an entrepreneur and an author. I’m dedicating the remainder of my life to helping others do what I have done, or something similar that will change their life experience in an incredible way. If you would like me to be your marketing consultant and mentor please let me know. I have a few openings in my program and have been successful in helping new and newer online entrepreneurs achieve success. To Your Massive Success (more…)
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Online-Marketing, it’s the Feast of Education – giving thanks for
Hi Online-Marketing, Was your weekend joyous and productive? Mine was filled with pre-holiday planning and festivities, including the lighting of the 23 ft. (7.5 m) tree in front of the new library in one of my cities and a preview of the “Parade of Lights” event where boats are decorated in the harbor in the other. So much fun. And this weekend I also wrote a book. Not a full length book, but an 8K word “booster rocket” that will become a part of a new course on how to write and publish a short book to promote you and everything you do to get your message out to the world. Stay tuned for more details. The 2018 Feast of Education has arrived! This week is Thanksgiving here in the States, and some of us got together to offer you some awesome trainings at no cost or obligation as part of the 2018 Feast of Education: connieLoves.me/Feast What is the Thanksgiving Feast of Education? It’s a one-of-a-kind opportunity to get free business building programs that will help you be successful. Over a dozen of the world’s foremost business experts (yes, yours truly) have joined with Cathy Demers, Founder of the Business Success, to set a virtual buffet table overflowing with business-building education you need to be successful. During the “Feast” you’ll have no-charge access to programs normally sold for $27, $97, $297, $497 and more! Wait until next week and you’ll find a hefty price tag on all of them. The total value of these programs is over $5,000! connieLoves.me/Feast This week ONLY you can help yourself to the “feast” and get immediate access to any (or ALL!) all of these programs… at NO COST! Not a penny. That’s right! There’s nothing to buy. No catch. If you tend to overeat during this holiday week, stuff yourself with great training instead. connieLoves.me/Feast Email me any time with your questions or just to say hello. To Your Great Entrepreneurial (more…)
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Online-Marketing, a certain crispness in the air – SEO training
Hi Online-Marketing, The weather is finally cooling down in southern California and that’s when I begin to wind down my work activities until after the first of the year. I do continue to work closely with those in my programs and those I mentor. This weekend I opened up my mentor program to five new people and one spot was grabbed up by someone who has been waiting for me to have openings, which is typically every six months. If you’re interested in working one-on-one with me as your marketing consultant and mentor please email me for more details. ======== Professionally Written Blog Posts for $0.28 Each! How Long Does It Take You to Write a Blog Post? An hour, or even longer? No matter what your answer, you may pick up these “all new” posts on a variety of topics for 28 cents each with a brand new bundle from Coach Glue at: connieLoves.me/CoachGlueSale This is sixty posts for only $17 right now, which you can schedule at one per week from now through the end of 2019. Wow! I love their content. ======== Blogging for Traffic and SEO – closes at Midnight You have through midnight tonight to watch the replay of the one hour webinar from Karon Thackston. At the end you have the opportunity to pick up her all new training guide for only $27. It’s all at: Steady Income Replay – Connie Green The direct link to her new training for $27 is at: connieLoves.me/BlogTrafficSEO [Promo Code is BLOG14] Blogging can be as easy and lucrative as you want it to be, and these resources will increase your bottom line with massive, passive income. ======== Steve Olsher’s “Profiting From Podcasts” course is open, and you may still download his Monetiziation Blueprint at: connieLoves.me/PodcastBlueprint ======== New From Seth Godin – “This Is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See” connieLoves.me/ThisIsMarketing Leave it to Seth to provide us the most incredible bonus imaginable; full access to his “Launch Party” where everyone (more…)
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Online-Marketing, the calm before the storm – are you ready?
Hi Online-Marketing, Last night I enjoyed a “Friendsgiving” with some of the people I choose to spend time with in one of the cities where I live. It was quiet and so peaceful and the food was scrumptious. This will be the calm before the storm as the holidays approach next week. ======== How Long Does It Take You to Write a Blog Post? No matter what your answer, you can pick up these “all new” posts on a variety of topics for 28 cents each with a brand new bundle from Coach Glue at: connieLoves.me/CoachGlueSale This is sixty posts for only $17 right now, which you can schedule at one per week from now through the end of 2019. Wow! I love their content. And you have through midnight tonight to watch the replay of the one hour webinar from Karon Thackston. At the end you have the opportunity to pick up her all new training guide for only $27. It’s all at: Steady Income Replay – Connie Green Blogging can be as easy and lucrative as you want it to be, and these two resources will increase your bottom line with massive, passive income. ======== Steve Olsher’s “Profiting From Podcasts” course is open, and you may still download his Monetiziation Blueprint at: connieLoves.me/PodcastBlueprint ======== New From Seth Godin – “This Is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See” connieLoves.me/ThisIsMarketing Leave it to Seth to provide us the most incredible bonus imaginable; full access to his “Launch Party” where everyone who has purchased the book interacts. ======== Book. Blog. Broadcast. The Trifecta of Entrepreneurial Success – This strategy is very effective! I have provided you with resources for all three here. Now it’s up to you to take action and implement. My mentoring and business coaching program is now open and I am looking for four people to join our group. In addition to one-on-one access with me you receive all of my training courses and products, attendance at my twice yearly live events and ongoing Santa Barbara Retreats, and my promotion of you and your products to my community. I will also help you write your book in record time and that may be the best part of it all. Email me if you’d like to know (more…)
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Online-Marketing, the real reason they have “exit greeters”
Hi Online-Marketing, Happy Friday to You! Do you have something fun and productive planned for your weekend? Reply and let me know what it is, and how I may serve you. When you are on your way out at many retail stores there is an employee waiting to check your receipt and to take a peek into your cart. All these years I thought that was to make sure we hadn’t slipped something “accidentally” into our cart, but turns out this is so the store has a final interaction with you before you go. In your online business, do you take time to reach out to someone after they purchase from you, to say this is just the beginning of your relationship? Something to think about, indeed. = = = Steady Income from Blogging – Replay is Up! Karon Thackston gave us an excellent training on how to earn steady and passive income from our blogs, and the replay is up today at: Steady Income Replay – Connie Green Please don’t miss this opportunity to learn what I and so many others are doing with our simple blog posts. You may also download your own copy of her all new: “Blogging Advantage: How to Create Blog Posts That Entice and Engage” for only $27 with the coupon code. Blogging is one of the three prongs I teach in my book – “Book. Blog. Broadcast. The Trifecta of Entrepreneurial Success” book that I will give you at no cost next weekend. = = = Podcasting is another prong and I include it under broadcasting. Today is the last day to attend Steve Olsher’s live training on “Profiting From Podcasts: An Opportunity to Generate Massive Visibility, Endless Leads and Serious Revenue…at NO Cost! connieLoves.me/ProfitFromPodcasts It’s at 3 pm EST today for the last time. = = = Justin Popovic’s latest is a winner – “Let’s Go: Stop Overthinking, Worrying and Doubting So You Can Start Taking Action!” connieLoves.me/JustinSpecial Learn from this, implement what you learn, and then turn it into a product or online course (more…)
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