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Author Bio-Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green helps new entrepreneurs build their business with online marketing and technology. She is an expert in article marketing and affiliate marketing and has written several books on these topics.
DISCLOSURE - Many articles will contain affiliate links for recommended products or services. These are personally used and reviewed by Connie and she'll receive commission for any resulting sales.
Category Archives: Marketing
Online-Marketing, why your blog is your most valuable asset
Hi Online-Marketing, Blogging is hard work. Between deciding which topics to write about, choosing just the right promotions to share, and making sure you have targeted traffic to your blog every single day it can be overwhelming. Blogging is also the fastest way to make a name for yourself in your chosen niche, connect with readers, build your list, and garner the visibility and expert status that brings its own rewards. I earn income through my two primary blogs every single day. Through tonight I’m running a Flash Sale on the premiere training on this topic. It’s my Really Simple Authority Blogging and is based on my thirteen years of blogging and my unimaginable results. You can do this as well. reallySimpleAuthorityBlogging.com/ [Code AUTHORITY Brings it Down to $79] I have taught Seasons One and Two of this course and those replays await you in the member’s area. Season Three will be taught live during the summer. I want you to be included in this ongoing training program. reallySimpleAuthorityBlogging.com/ [Code AUTHORITY Brings it Down to $79] Currently in Home Study…You’ll Be Included for Two Full Years! My blogs (I have two for reasons I explain in the program) are my greatest assets. I can’t imagine what a struggle my life as an online entrepreneur would be without them. Please allow me to help you get started quickly with this training. ~~~ooo~~~ Ready to Double Your Sales in the Next 30 Days? This is all new from Amanda Craven, my brilliant colleague in the U.K. It’s called “Total Turnaround” and will totally turn your thinking and your business around very quickly. connieLoves.me/TotalTurnaround Enjoy your day. Have confidence in everything you do. Know that (more…)
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Online-Marketing, the super snow moon did not disappoint
Hi Online-Marketing, Alexa woke me up at 3:45 this morning so I could see the moon at its largest, fullest, and closest to the earth in all of 2019. It’s three hours later and it is still a sight to behold. I love lunar lore and space stuff. If you missed this one, there will be a different type of supermoon on March 21st and a blue moon on the 18th of May. ~~~ooo~~~ Confidence for Entrepreneurs and Human Beings When I started online in 2006 I was a very different person than I am today. My confidence in myself and my self-esteem were at all time lows. My goal was to make it through my life without causing any commotion and to not draw attention to myself in any way. These days I embrace the attention of others and seem to be always in the public eye in my community and with my work. This has brought about amazing results. I’m still an introvert and spend much time alone. But I would not trade the life I have been able to create for anything. I’m proud of what I have achieved as an author, with my products and courses, public speaking, and mentoring. My mentoring has opened up the lives of the people I work with in a way that spills over to their personal lives. If you’re on a call with me, ask me to share some details that will melt your heart. Yes, I still have one opening in my Mentor program I’d love to fill before I close it down for another several months. The work we will do together is nothing short of magic. Hit “reply” for further details. ~~~ooo~~~ Coaching Instead of Mentoring If the thought of having me as your mentor isn’t right for you at this time, my recommendation is coaching with Dennis Becker and Barb Ling. You may start for one dollar at: connieLoves.me/DABCoachingTrial It’s then $47/month for 12 months or one time of $500. After that you get everything in their program at no additional investment. This makes sense if your goal is to earn income from your online efforts and endeavors. ***I do not recommend anyone else’s programs except for Barb and Dennis when it comes to building a sustainable online business. No one else understands and teaches in a way that is comparable to how I teach and … {…continue reading…}
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Online-Marketing, what will you do differently today?
Hi Online-Marketing, It’s a national holiday in the States today. It’s President’s Day and many people are off from work. If this describes you, what will you do differently today? On this day in 2006 I was a new entrepreneur and winding down the last school year I would ever be a part of. I spent the day writing blog posts that I could schedule to publish twice a week for the next three weeks. This made a huge difference to my business. If you’ve recently come to me as a part of my “Become a Local Celebrity” training, perhaps today you’ll go through it and see what you can do differently to make a mark in your community. ~~~ooo~~~ 30 Worksheet, To-Do List, and Checklist Templates www.elitewriterslab.com/amember/aff/go/conniegreen?i=14 [Coupon Code FIVENOW gets you in for the first month at $5] There is NO obligation to continue your membership, but when you see the value they pack into their templates, I know you’ll want to stick around for another month. ~~~ooo~~~ Flash Sale – Really Simple Authority Blogging This is a premiere course for all new/newer online entrepreneurs and I’m having a holiday flash sale for only $79 at: reallySimpleAuthorityBlogging.com/ [Code AUTHORITY Brings it Down to $79] Currently in Home Study…You’ll Be Included for Two Full Years! ~~~ooo~~~ How Long Should It Take to Write a Book and Will it Be Any Good? Most authors are full of questions. They’re also full of energy, doubts, enthusiasm, hesitation and. I have have a few opinions on this topic at: How Long Should It Take to Write a Book and Will it Be Any Good? [My Training…Available at No Cost or Obligation] ~~~ooo~~~ My Challenge to You Why don’t you create a new free giveaway today? Here is a guest post from Alice Seba I am delighted to share with you: Free Giveaway Ideas If today is a holiday for you, why not spend some time putting together a giveaway, and opt in form, and an affiliate offer? The journey to your great success begins with one small step. I challenge you to get (more…)
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Online-Marketing, another lunar event headed our way on Tuesday
Hi Online-Marketing, If you missed the Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse that occurred on January 20 (I was hosting my live event and we shared the experience together) then you will want to mark your calendar for the Super Snow Moon on Tuesday, February 19th. www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/super-snow-moon-almost-set-212300438.html I love all things related to the moon. And that is why my publishing company is named “Hunter’s Moon Publishing.” I’ve had several questions about the programs I am offering right now. One is the Dotcom Jump Start and the other is my ongoing Mentoring program. Dotcom Jump Start is designed for you if you want to get a solid foundation for your online business so you can begin to earn some steady income. It’s $299 after you use the discount code ACHIEVE. dotComJumpStart.com/ [Use Code ACHIEVE to Save Two Hundred Dollars] The Mentor program is a minimum six month commitment and I have people who stay with me for three years or longer. The goal here is to teach you how you may replace your current income or supplement it well. Of course there are no income guarantees and many people spend far more than they earn. But my record for success as a business coach/mentor is excellent. We currently have fourteen people and I consider this group to be my extended family. You’ll receive every program I teach for only one dollar, I promote you to my community, and you also have the chance to speak at one of the live events I host each year. Inquire for more details and remember, it is always about much more than how much it costs. What I have designed in this program works, and you would be amazed if I shared the names of some of those who have worked closely with me over the years. Business coaching/mentoring works! Start learning with me in Dotcom Jump Start and I will deduct that amount from the Mentor program when you come aboard within thirty days. Investing in your dream and your future is a valuable action to take. Enjoy your day. The rain is returning so I’ll be inside enjoying the opera (Franz Lehar’s The Mock Marriage (Die Juxheirat)) and the symphony (Beethoven’s Triple Concerto) this afternoon and evening. Music makes my heart sing! I have two goals: I’m here (more…)
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Online-Marketing, fun facts about George Washington…and my
Hi Online-Marketing, Monday is President’s Day here in the States and we take the day as a federal holiday to honor our first and 16th presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Since the Uniform Federal Holidays Act went into effect in 1971, we combined these holidays and also honor all presidents. But I digress…here is some information about Washington. Washington was inaugurated as our first President in 1789 and pretty much defined this job and office. He served two terms. He was a religious man and emphasized religious toleration in a nation of many denominations. He was also an active Mason, a fraternal order that is still active today. Washington married a wealthy widow and became a wheat and tobacco farmer and an extremely wealthy man. He proclaimed the first Thanksgiving in an attempt to make peace with our native Americans. A myth about Washington is the story about him damaging one of his father’s cherry trees and proclaiming “I cannot tell a lie… I did cut it with my hatchet.” This was meant to show his honesty. But more important than any of this is that George Washington was a savvy businessman and entrepreneur. More details at: www.inc.com/ilan-mochari/george-washington-entrepreneur.html ~~~ooo~~~ My Challenge to You Why don’t you create a new free giveaway today? Here is a guest post from Alice Seba I am delighted to share with you: Free Giveaway Ideas If Monday is a holiday for you, why not spend the weekend putting together a giveaway, and opt in form, and an affiliate offer? The journey to your great success begins with one small step. I challenge you to get started on your entrepreneurial (more…)
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Online-Marketing, the extraordinary value of relationships in life
Hi Online-Marketing, I’m spending the day with a friend of over thirty years. Kathy was the person who helped me to get started as an appraiser when I wanted to do more in real estate. Now we live less than ten miles apart and we see each other regularly. Relationships are everything in life. She’s been like a sister to me over the years and that’s why I dedicated my “Kids and Money” book to her for her role in my financial understanding over the years. This is a post I published this morning on this topic: hugeProfitsTinyList.com/teaching-kids-about-money/ ~~~ooo~~~ I mentioned yesterday that I contributed to a book that has now gone to bestseller status is two categories: happiness and spirituality. Today the goal is to break into the Top 100 Free Kindle books. Please download and share: connieLoves.me/WhatWeLove ~~~ooo~~~ Today is the final day to pick up Justin Popovic’s package. “Purpose Project: Finding and Following Your Life’s Purpose” and has great potential for you, no matter what your niche. connieLoves.me/JustinSpecial Scroll down the page so you can see Justin’s three amazing bonuses for this package. I have an annual membership for his massive membership site and I still want to buy this one every time I read through it! Once again, learn from this package as we do with all the PLR we purchase, then set it up as your own product and an income stream for years to come. This one ends tonight so please do not hesitate: connieLoves.me/JustinSpecial [$29 and Ends at Midnight] ~~~ooo~~~ I have two openings in my Mentor program, (more…)
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Online-Marketing, I can’t believe I forget to mention this…
Hi Online-Marketing, With all of the Valentine’s Day excitement I completely forgot to mention that I am part of a now bestselling book called “What We Love.” It was released this morning and is the fourth out of four books I have participated in as part of Donna Kozik’s Community Book Project series. It’s a free download today at: connieLoves.me/WhatWeLove You can see all of my books at: connieRagenGreenBooks.com Let me know which one I should give away this weekend. Are the wheels turning as to how you can write your own or contribute to other people’s books to build an income stream? I hope so. This is what I shared earlier today. Both are closing soon… There are two packages I want you to consider. The first is from Sharyn Sheldon on the topic of personal branding. connieLoves.me/PersonalBranding I learn so much from Sharyn’s training and her background in instructional design for the corporate world gives her credibility few can claim. There are three different levels of this package to choose from. You will be able to use this for yourself, and then teach it to others. I purchase all of her packages and earn a small fortune by teaching them as my own in online courses. connieLoves.me/PersonalBranding [Special Pricing Ends at Midnight] The second is from Justin Popovic, someone I first met in person at the same live event where I met Sharyn in 2011. His package is called: “Purpose Project: Finding and Following Your Life’s Purpose” and has great potential for you, no matter what your niche. connieLoves.me/JustinSpecial Scroll down the page so you can see Justin’s three amazing bonuses for this package. I have an annual membership for his massive membership site and I still want to buy this one every time I read through it! Once again, learn from this package as we do with all the PLR we purchase, then set it up as your own product and an income stream for years to come. This one ends tomorrow but please do not hesitate: connieLoves.me/JustinSpecial I have two openings in my Mentor program, as well as one spot remaining in the Dotcom Jump Start program. If (more…)
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Online-Marketing, your million dollar morning routine
Hi Online-Marketing, This subject line is a seductive one, I know. And it has also become my personal experience so I know whence I am sharing with you here. As a classroom teacher for twenty years, who also had a very busy side hustle as a real estate broker and residential appraiser I lived each day on a very tight schedule seven days a week. I dreamed of being able to do as I pleased each day and did not want to have to retire to be able to do this. I came online in 2006 and finally my time was my own! Each morning I would wake up whenever I wanted and there was little structure or organization to my day. This did not work. I needed to earn income and work on projects that would build my business. After three months as a carefree entrepreneur I put in place what would come to be known as my “morning routine.” Over these past thirteen years this routine and schedule has morphed into one that brings me great joy, and a seven figure income. Why? Because this works for all of us. Creativity is wonderful, but save that for the various projects you engage in, not the way you run your business. More on this another day, I promise. For today there are two packages I want you to consider. The first is from Sharyn Sheldon on the topic of personal branding. connieLoves.me/PersonalBranding I learn so much from Sharyn’s training and her background in instructional design for the corporate world gives her credibility few can claim. There are three different levels of this package to choose from. You will be able to use this for yourself, and then teach it to others. I purchase all of her packages and earn a small fortune by teaching them as my own in online courses. connieLoves.me/PersonalBranding [Special Pricing Ends at Midnight] The second is from Justin Popovic, someone I first met in person at the same live event where I met Sharyn in 2011. His package is called: “Purpose Project: Finding and Following Your Life’s Purpose” and has great potential for you, no matter what your niche. connieLoves.me/JustinSpecial Scroll down the page so you can see Justin’s three amazing bonuses for this package. I have an annual membership for his massive membership site and I still want to buy this one every time … {…continue reading…}
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Online-Marketing, your next affiliate marketing training
Hi Online-Marketing, It’s no secret that I have been what is referred to as a “super affiliate” for this past decade. I tell you this not to brag or impress you but to explain why you always want to learn from people who have been there and are doing it currently. That’s me. This evening I’m hosting a Bonus Session for “Really Simple Affiliate Marketing” with what’s new in 2019 for affiliates. If you’re already in this course then you may be registered for the webinar. If you’re not sure, hit “reply” so we can get you registered quickly. If you’re not a part of this exclusive and intensive training for online entrepreneurs who wish to add affiliate marketing to your income streams please let me know if you’d like to come aboard. All access is for two full years from the day you register. Affiliate sales can double your income. = = = = = Free PLR (private label rights) content to grow your business I use PLR almost every day, and it’s only of the highest quality from the people I know and trust. Here are many free packages you may download: hugeProfitsTinyList.com/free-plr/ I have two openings in my Mentor program, as well as one spot remaining in the Dotcom Jump Start program. If you’re ready to move up to the next level as an entrepreneur please let me know. To Your Massive Online Success, Connie Author of way too many books to mention: connieRagenGreenBooks.com “The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake.” ~ Meister Eckhart P.S. Are we connected on LinkedIn? I reached 26K first level (more…)
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Online-Marketing, it’s about balance, courage, and relationships
Hi Online-Marketing, To be successful in any business endeavor, online or offline, you must strike a balance between sharing the right message to the right audience with the right offer. If you are out of balance, perhaps by focusing on content creation or list building instead of creating the right products or services your bottom line will suffer. What I am saying here is that you must simultaneously work on getting your message out to your prospects, adding new prospects, and creating and/or recommending things they will want to buy. Building new relationships is the secret sauce. This is a delicate dance that can best be achieved when you trust an experienced mentor to guide you there and are willing to follow their training and proven strategies. I would love to be that person for you if you have the courage to move forward right now. Module Three is this evening and you are welcome to come aboard for the ride of your entrepreneurial life in my Dotcom Jump Start training… dotComJumpStart.com/ [Use Code ACHIEVE to Save Two Hundred Dollars] We will work together through the end of April. I have two more spots available at this generous discount. = = = Using PLR (private label rights) content to create products quickly is something I am known for. I only recommend and purchase the highest quality PLR from people I know and respect. Here are two excellent ones to take a look at: 1) “Boost Your Productivity to Get More Done with Less Stress” This is a four week e-course from Alice Seba for $9.95. Notice how she uses a video to explain what you’ll receive. connieLoves.me/WeekendSale – ends tonight 2) “Purpose Project: Finding and Following Your Life’s Purpose” is from Justin Popovic and has huge potential. connieLoves.me/JustinSpecial I have two goals: I’m here to serve you and to guide you to great success and achievement. Hit “reply” with any comments as to how I may do this for you as soon (more…)
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