Author Archives: Connie Ragen Green

Online-Marketing, he held the gun to my head and I went numb

Hi Online-Marketing, I’m writing a new book on “Living the Mentored Life” and this morning I shared the story of my time as a merchant teller in a commercial bank in Los Angeles in the 80s. One day three masked men came into the bank and forced their way into the “cage”, a locked area meant for local merchants to be served. It caught me by surprise as I was counting money at the time, but when one of the men grabbed me and held his gun to my head I just froze. The gun was cold on my face and neck and he twisted my arm in a way that made me cringe and cower away from him. The entire event took less than ten minutes and ended when I was able to unlock a box in the vault that held more than a hundred thousand dollars. Needless to say, I decided to end my banking career soon after. But that day is forever imprinted in my mind. Soon after I became a classroom teacher and twenty years after that I came online as an entrepreneur. Can you see why I appreciate this opportunity so very much? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Affiliate Marketing Rocks I continue to love affiliate marketing, in that I am able to share the best people, products, and resources with my tribe and community, and earn commission when a purchase is made. (Coupon Code is AFFILIATESROCK) This brings your investment down to $99 and gives you two full years of access, along with entrance to my next live trainings at the beginning of March. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don’t Miss These… Shawn Hansen shows you how to create information products quickly and easily at: (Less Than $11 Right Now) Charles Harper teaches you how to create your own profitable online courses at: (Only $9.95 Right Now) And this is Marlon Sanders’ latest: (A Bargain at 10X the Investment!) Purchase any of these and you’ll be invited to my next live webinar training to give (more…)

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Online-Marketing, it happened again last night… (fresh start Monday)

Hi Online-Marketing, Happy “fresh start Monday” to you! Every six months or so I receive a message from someone that begins like this… “Are you Mrs. Green? I think you were my teacher long ago.” This time it was from a sweet girl named Gen who was in my fifth grade class the second year I taught school. Now she and I are in the process of catching up and planning to meet in person. I have to say this is the best of all reasons to have social media these days. This weekend I wrote a post that may interest you. It’s at: Do The Work and Other Precepts Here I include four precepts that will make a difference in your life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discount Ends at Midnight Wednesday my popular “Really Simple Membership Sites” training resumes. You may still join at a hugely discounted price through midnight at: (Code WEEKEND brings it down to $65) My current students are already setting up new membership sites on a variety of topics and I would love for you to come aboard as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Social Media Boosters from Alice Seba (Less than $10/month in Intro Pricing) Or, pay $97 for everything right now. ***Price Increases at Midnight*** Social media is important, but your time is even more valuable. This enables you to do what I do on all platforms in less than 15 minutes a day. The social media “boosters” include conversation starters, personal development quotes, and tips for personal development. This makes sense! Enjoy your “fresh start Monday” and email me to make sure you and I may communicate easily. To Your Massive Online Success, Connie Ragen Green P.S. Some excellent freebies for you… 1) 2) (more…)

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Online-Marketing, reasons or results – you get to choose, you know?

Hi Online-Marketing, My world before coming online was one of having lots of reasons why I didn’t enjoy the life I wanted so much. Once I became an online entrepreneur I began to understand that is was my choice to either have reasons or results, and that’s when things changed in a huge and major way. Can you relate? I’ll be writing more about this in the future. Aldo, I need to extend my deepest apologies if you have written to me recently and I’ve not responded. In what I believe has been a technical glitch, my emails over the past two weeks have disappeared into thin air. So if you will please hit “reply” to this email I’ll know that my brilliant tech team has it all back on track now. Open communication with you is important to me. Today is the last day to come into the Home Study program from my Fall Jump Start Intensive for only $199 for two years access and all of the Bonuses included there. See more at: I’d love to work with you! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ My “Really Simple Membership Sites” training is resuming this week, after a winter break. You may catch up with the first two sessions and join us live Wednesday for the remainder of this program. (Code WEEKEND brings it down to $65) Enjoy your weekend and email me today to make sure you and I may communicate easily. To Your Massive Online Success, Connie Ragen Green P.S. My bestselling book, The Transformational Entrepreneur is a free download through midnight: Also free today… 1) 2) 3) (more…)

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Online-Marketing, conversations in the canned foods aisle

Hi Online-Marketing, I’ll admit it – I talk to strangers. I’m not sure when this began, but it has connected me wih some pretty awesome people over the years. Four years ago, while waiting in line at the post office I met Barbara Winter, someone who has been an online entrepreneur since the 90s. When we met for lunch a few weeks later she gave me a copy of her book. In the front she’d written “I’m so glad you talk to strangers.” Here’s my latest post on “Why I Talk to Strangers”: Why I Talk to Strangers I’d love to read your comment there. Yesterday I shared that I know exactly what it is like to struggle financially, and how online entrepreneurship changed everything for me. This is what I recommend: My “Fall Jump Start Intensive” Training is now in Home Study, meaning that you can jump in this weekend or sooner and start learning the step by step process of having your own online business. The investment is $199 for two years of access and the course and all the Bonuses are worth many times this amount. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ My “Really Simple Membership Sites” training is resuming next week, after a winter break. You may catch up with the first two sessions and join us live next week for the remainder of this program. (Code WEEKEND brings it down to $65) Enjoy your weekend and email me any time. To (more…)

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Online-Marketing, I know exactly what it’s like

Hi Online-Marketing, I wasn’t always a successful entrepreneur. In fact, for most of my adult life I lived within six months or less of not having the money to meet my financial obligations. So if this describes where you are right now, I’ve been there and know what it feels like. Having an online business has allowed me to call the shots when it comes to income, and that is also what I want for you. It’s hard work, and worth every moment to know that all of your bills will be paid on time, with both the money and the time left over to enjoy your life in a way you may not be used to having. This is what I recommend: My “Fall Jump Start Intensive” Training is now in Home Study, meaning that you can jump in this weekend or sooner and start learning the step by step process of having your own online business. The investment is $199 for two years of access and the course and all the Bonuses are worth many times this amount. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ My “Really Simple Membership Sites” training is resuming next week, after a winter break. You may catch up with the first two sessions and join us live next week for the remainder of this program. (Code WEEKEND brings it down to $65) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ My mentor program is now filled. If you’d like to be wait listed for March, please let me know. The investment is increasing, but if you’d like to request that I hold an opening for you, I will honor the current prices in March. Enjoy your weekend and email me at any time. To Your Massive Online Success, Connie Ragen Green (Readers are leaders…what I’m reading this week: P.S. Your Gifts Today… I love Instagram more and more, and here is a guide on “21 Ways to Use Instagram to Get More Clients” at: . . . Here is 30 days of social media content from Alice Seba: . . . Is the idea of becoming a Virtual Assistant appealing to you? You’ll (more…)

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Online-Marketing, I refuse to discuss the weather

Hi Online-Marketing, While more than half of the U.S. is enduring freezing temperatures and dangerous road conditions, California and the southwest part of our country is wearing shorts and sunglasses. It isn’t fair, but where we live is one of the life choices we make. Are you making choices that serve you when it comes to your business? What one thing could you change to make it all come together for you this year? Food for thought, and a valuable use of your time today, in my opinion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Social Media Boosters from Alice Seba (Less than $10/month in Intro Pricing) Or, pay $97 for everything right now. Social media is important, but your time is even more valuable. This enables you to do what I do on all platforms in less than fifteen minutes a day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Planners to Keep You Moving Forward The ladies over at Coach Glue, Nicole and Melissa, have all of their planners on sale right now. There are about twenty-five of them, and if you are just getting started with this method of business growth I will recommend these: * Blog Content Planner * Sales Funnel Planner * LinkedIn Planner * Affiliate Marketing Planner They are only $20 each, when you use code 2018 on the checkout page. (Code 2018 Makes Them $20 Each) And they also have a Vision Board Workshop on sale for only $97. Use Code 200 at: …this would make an excellent Live or Virtual Workshop for you to teach to others. I’m down to one spot left for my mentoring program. If this resonates with your goals for 2018 please hit “reply” to see if it’s the right fit for you. To Your Massive Online Success, Connie Ragen Green (Readers are leaders…what I’m reading this week: P.S. Your Gifts Today… I (more…)

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Online-Marketing, why your actions speak so much louder than your words

Hi Online-Marketing, When I was a new online entrepreneur I longed for my family members to get involved. But they only heard me talk about it endlessly, and seldom saw me taking action. So they declined my offer to help them get started. Social media was a good example of this. Just as soon as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn were open to everyone, I still did very little. But once I took off with this in 2008, even family members sat up and took notice. You can jump in to social media, using some of the same strategies I’m using. It’s from Alice Seba here: Each month you will receive: * 30 Monthly Conversation Starters: It’s not always easy to get the conversation going on social media, but it’s much easier with 30 ready-to-publish conversation starters each month. * 30 Monthly Personal Development Quotes: People love to read and share thought-provoking quotes. They hand select 30 quotes for you to make it easy to post them as you go. * 30 Monthly Personal Development Tips: Reveal yourself as a great source of advice by sharing helpful personal development tips.You can even repurpose these tips into blog posts, autoresponder messages or whatever you’d like. Plus you get 30 professional designed graphics including: * 10 monthly conversation starter graphics * 10 monthly quotes graphics * 10 monthly tips graphics This monthly package is only $9.97 each month, or $97 for an entire year. My Bonus is my January webinar to be held on January 25th at 7 pm ET. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ January is National Mentoring Month! I want you to have the benefit of mentoring as you build and grow your business. Here are three opportunities for you and I to work together this month: 1) Virtual Retreat This is a live, virtual half-day event I’m doing with Sue Painter and Ellen Finkelstein. The three of us have decades of experience under our cumulative belts, and our goal is to help you with one project that could set the tone for a fantastic year ahead for you. Total Investment: $300 2) Online Marketing Incubator Mentoring This is my mentor program, where I am proud to work with entrepreneurs at various levels and in a variety of niches. You and I talk at least twice each month, you receive access to all of my courses and products, and we work together … {…continue reading…}

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Online-Marketing, why mentoring must be at the top of your list

Hi Online-Marketing, You’ve no doubt read or heard my story of how I struggled during my first year online. It was 2006, and I was determined to save money and do it on my own. Boy, was that ever expensive. I downloaded lots of free stuff, and even purchased some products, courses, and software. Without a mentor it turned out I’d spent money on things I didn’t need and missed out on ones I did. I want you to have the benefit of mentoring as you build and grow your business. Here are three opportunities for you and I to work together this month: 1) Virtual Retreat This is a live, virtual half-day event I’m doing with Sue Painter and Ellen Finkelstein. The three of us have decades of experience under our cumulative belts, and our goal is to help you with one project that could set the tone for a fantastic year ahead for you. Total Investment: $300 2) Online Marketing Incubator Mentoring This is my mentor program, where I am proud to work with entrepreneurs at various levels and in a variety of niches. You and I talk at least twice each month, you receive access to all of my courses and products, and we work together to achieve your goals with affiliate marketing, information products, authorship, authority blogging, and so much more. You’re also invited to speak at my live events, held twice annually in Los Angeles, and to partner with me on products and courses. Total Investment: $595/month OR $5995 annual I have just two spots open, and then I close this program until the beginning of March. 3) Fall Jump Start Home Study Program This is my small group mentoring, and it’s currently in home study, meaning that you’ll have access to all eight weeks of training and bonuses, as well as a live webinar in a few weeks. You and I also have two calls that are one-on-one and recorded, making this mentor program an excellent option for you. Total Investment: $199 Mentoring changed my life and income so much that I continue to be mentored by people who are ahead of me in various areas. Before you join anyone’s mentor program, ask them if they have a mentor. If they don’t, run the other way as fast as you can! To Your Massive Online Success, Connie Ragen Green P.S. Did … {…continue reading…}

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Online-Marketing, how to take it to the next level (life and business)

Hi Online-Marketing, I have now had the good fortune to work with over a thousand people who share my dream of becoming an online entrepreneur. As I spent most of these past two weeks in planning, I looked closely at what separated the successful from those who are still “trying” to achieve this elusive success. All things considered, you’ll have a greater chance of success in life and in business if you are willing to always up your game and take it to the next level. This is simple, but not easy. Staying with what is comfortable and familiar is a very seductive way of keeping you from success. The process of change in major ways is called lifestyle design and is worth pursuing. Are you willing to up your game for 2018 and take your life and business to the next level? I’m hoping so, and I would love to be a part of this adventure with you… ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ New Ways to Share Your Content I’m always on the lookout for innovative ways to share my content. Just this morning I took my recent blog post on my Themes for 2018 and repurposed it into a three page report: Then I shared it on all of my social media profiles, and now with you here. Can you do this? Yes, and send me the link so I’ll be able to also share it with my community. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Did you pick up one or more planners? The ladies at Coach Glue, Nicole and Melissa, have all of their planners on sale right now. There are about twenty-five of them, and if you are just getting started with this method of business growth I will recommend these: * Blog Content Planner * Sales Funnel Planner * LinkedIn Planner * Affiliate Marketing Planner They are only $20 each, when you use the code 2018 on the checkout page. (Code 2018 Makes Them $20 Each) And they also have a Vision Board Workshop on sale for only $97. Use Code 200 at: This would make an excellent live or virtual workshop… ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ On Monday I had the chance to visit online with Barb Ling, and that’s when I went through her new package, created with Dennis Becker. … {…continue reading…}

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Online-Marketing, do you love your online business?

Hi Online-Marketing, Recently I had some issues on my websites regarding plugins and themes that had not been updated. This was my responsibility and I had neglected to do what needed to be done. It wasn’t pretty. While I sat in front of my laptop that night, listening to my friends and family members enjoying holiday music, treats, and fellowship downstairs, I fell in love with my business all over again. Over the next 48 hours I personally went into more than two hundred sites, making all the changes and updates as necessary. This gave me the opportunity to reminisce about each site, why I created it, what I learned from it, and how it continues to give me the lifestyle that has changed my life forever. Many of the sites now belong to my grandsons, and they have become young men who earn their own income and take responsibility for who and what they are becoming. This is awesome. As we begin 2018 together, I invite you to fall in love with your online business once again, or perhaps for the very first time. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Did you pick up one or more planners? The ladies at Coach Glue, Nicole and Melissa, have all of their planners on sale right now. There are about twenty-five of them, and if you are just getting started with this method of business growth I will recommend these: * Blog Content Planner * Sales Funnel Planner * LinkedIn Planner * Affiliate Marketing Planner They are only $20 each, when you use the code 2018 on the checkout page. (Code 2018 Makes Them $20 Each) And they also have a Vision Board Workshop on sale. Use Code 200 at: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Yesterday I had the chance to visit online with Barb Ling, and that’s when I went through her new package, created with Dennis Becker. (This Product is a Hidden Gem!) I can be slow sometimes, and it took me time to realize Barb’s “Solution Sheet” is pure gold! It includes a Blueprint and a “7 Minute Authority Content” training you shouldn’t miss. And please don’t miss the upsell – Transition to 2018. It could be awesome for you. Also, I’ve added my end of January webinar as a Bonus for this. You’ll be able to register when you check out at Warrior Plus. ~ … {…continue reading…}

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