Online-Marketing, podcasting and membership sites and discovering

Hi Online-Marketing,

Happy Tuesday and Thank You for Being a Part
of My Online Community – I’m Here to Serve You!

I’m super excited to invite you to a live training
webinar tomorrow (Wednesday) with Mike Stewart.
He’s been known as the audio and video guy since
I came online in 2006. I invited him to share at:

Mike will also share what General Motors just announced
that is sure to make the audience for our podcasts explode.
He will also explain how it has never been simpler and so
much easier than ever before for you to launch a podcast
that will be heard by your target audience. Please register
now so you’ll have your invitation handy.

Let’s Fill Your Membership Site with Quality Content

My colleagues Dennis Becker and Barb Ling have a new
PLR content package that rocks. Come aboard and I will
teach you how to add this month by month to your own
membership site.

When you access your content package, look for the link
that says “Bonus” to register for my first webinar on
January 5th.

Email me with questions and to let me know you have
come aboard with the 350K Premium PLR package.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

P.S. It’s the Fourth Day of December!

Coach Glue’s Deal of the Day is:

“How to Discover Your Purpose So You Can Love
Your Business and Your Life!”

Use this for a virtual or live VIP day, or to introduce
new prospects to your coaching program. Helping others
to change their lifestyle is both rewarding and lucrative.
This also gives you more joy and life purpose.

Only $17 through midnight tonight at:
[Coupon Code is 2018]

If you are a VIP All Access Member, this one is included!

P.O. Box 800268
Santa Clarita CA 91380

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options, visit:

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