Online-Marketing, in the eye of the storm – five stars and a wish

Hi Online-Marketing,

If you or your loved ones are anywhere near the areas
affected by Hurricane Florence, my thoughts and prayers
are with you. I lost everything in Hurricane Andrew
back in ’92 and know firsthand what that is like. Six
weeks later I was diagnosed with breast cancer and it
was almost more than I could bear. The emphasis here
is on the “almost” because events like this in our
lives can certainly make us stronger.

Today I’d like to share some things with you, and many
are from people directly affected by this tropical storm.
These first five are all complimentary…

1) The smart ladies at Piggy Makes Bank, Susanne and
Tracy have fourteen articles and fourteen emails for you:

…On the topic of customer follow up:

…On the topic of counting your blessings:

2) From Danny Iny, on how to use your expertise to build
a profitable business:

Danny and I met years ago and I trust him implicitly.

3) Thinking of becoming a Virtual Assistant? These are
the only people and training I highly recommend:

Download your “2018 Virtual Assistant Niche Services
Guide” at no cost or obligation today.

4) My most recent Productivity Challenge Guide:

This is more than thirty pages of training and ideas.

5) How to Convert Every Blog Post into 6 Different Pieces
of Content for Your Business from Nicole and Melissa:

Please keep this email message safe so you may access
these five free gifts while they are still available.

In Deepest Gratitude,
Connie Ragen Green

P.S. This is from Alice Seba and I’m picking it up myself
as soon as I send you this message.

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