Online-Marketing, tonight we will celebrate, for tomorrow it’s all

Hi Online-Marketing,

I’m on my way to a Halloween party at the Elk’s Lodge in Santa Clarita. It was postponed from last night because of the fires and the children were afraid we couldn’t make it happen tonight. But we did and tonight we will laugh and celebrate. Tomorrow the high winds are returning and the fires will once again be the main focus of the community and everyone will need to lend a hand. I’ll be headed back to Santa Barbara no later than eight-thirty to avoid any situations that are just too much for me right now. There is much work to do in both places and I must put myself first. I hope you do the same so you can be as effective as possible in your life and work.

Have you thought about what I shared with you yesterday? There are eleven openings remaining.

This Might Be an Excellent Way for You and I to Work Together…

While I was settling in at my other home in Santa Barbara after being evacuated in Santa Clarita because of the wildfires I had this thought that may be of interest to you. You may have wanted to work closely with me during the past couple of years but couldn’t because of the cost or time commitment. I have decided to put together a program I’m calling the “2020 Jump Start.” This is what would be included:

* Mentoring with me during December of 2019 – three private calls and email access
* My “Spring Jump Start” small group program to be held for ten weeks during March, April, and May of 2020
* My “Fall Jump Start” small group program to be held for ten weeks during September, October, and November of 2020
* Your choice of any TWO from my “Really Simple” series – Authority Blogging, Information Products, Affiliate Marketing, or Short Reports
* All products I release on Warrior Plus between now and the end of 2020 (it will be a minimum of four)

The value for what I am offering here is over $2500 USD, even if I offer a coupon for something. This “2020 Jump Start” is available to eleven more people (four spots have already been claimed) at a one time investment of $1295 or a two-pay of $695 twice, no more than thirty days apart. Please let me know if this is of interest to you. This could be the way you and I work together that makes sense for you financially and in terms of how much of your time is needed.

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I grabbed “Be Live” because I’m getting more serious about doing Facebook Lives and other live streaming. It’s $59 for a lifetime account with all updates and training included. This is an awesome deal!

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All of These are FREEE!

1) “Around the House” – 10 beautifully detailed coloring pages from Rayven Monique – Use Code HOUSE

2) My own Productivity Challenge for 2019…

3) “Blogging Basics for Authors: 30 Lessons to Help Writers Create Effective Blogs and Blog Content” from Nina Amir

Click on “formats and editions” to choose it for $0.00. Available for free around the world when you search by title and author.

4) Free, Zero, and No Cost!!! from Alice Seba

Free 30-days of social media content with PLR rights:

Free tutorial on turning social media graphics into Instagram videos:

Have a fun and productive weekend and know that I am always just a few clicks away if you need anything.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green (dressed as a hobo tonight – tomorrow I’ll tell you why this is my scary costume)

P.S. This afternoon I syndicated a blog post to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Here are the links if you want to see what that looks like. You may have to copy/paste them if they’re too long. And you may also need to be logged in to each site.

In less than five minutes I am able to reach more than 60K people; some of whom are extremely interested in knowing more.

P.P.S. Did you read this post on the “Blueprint for Entrepreneurship”? Lots of valuable details at:

Blueprint for Entrepreneurship


P.O. Box 800268
Santa Clarita CA 91380

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