Online-Marketing, there’s something in the air and you can make it

Hi Online-Marketing,

Happy Wednesday to You! Thank You for Allowing Me Into Your Inbox

I have received so many messages thanking me for sharing the “blueprint” I used with my mentees this past weekend when they came to Santa Barbara for a private Retreat. It was simply too much to include here so I turned it into a post at:

Blueprint for Entrepreneurship

Please keep in mind some of what is there is time sensitive, so you may want to read it today instead of filing it for later on. And as a teaching point, repurposing your email messages into blog posts is an excellent strategy, as long as you go back and edit them for anything that is not evergreen.

Now I’d like to share my observations with you. I have been online officially since the beginning of 2006 and have become sensitive to shifts and trends in the economy and in people’s thinking.

When the recession first reared its ugly head at the end of 2007 I noticed it first with home sales. I have been a real estate broker since 1983 (haven’t been active since coming online, but I am still licensed in California and have my medical insurance through this group) and overnight prices increased and sales dropped to their lowest in almost a decade. Within six months this was front page news, but to those who were not watching the market closely as I continue to do it was financially devastating. Everyone I knew praised my for being so astute and starting a recession proof business on the internet, but I had to admit it was simply a coincidence at that time.

That’s when I became a student of economics. Someday I may return to school for a more formal study in this area and for now I watch several indicators around real estate, consumer confidence, and the amount people have in what is known as “demand deposit” accounts. This includes checking accounts and savings accounts that are liquid.

Throughout 2019 these indicators have not been in favor for people with jobs or careers where they are employees. Your hedge against inflation and other economic downturns can be summed up in two words – online entrepreneurship. During the Great Recession that was officially acknowledged during the summer of 2008 and lasted well into 2013 my business grew and my income increased significantly. Instead of just enjoying what was happening I made the conscious decision to learn from this event and to help others do what I have done.

Please, create information products to sell online. This is the training I mentioned yesterday and it’s only $9.95

Come aboard my Syndication Optimization training to increase your visibility and credibility, leading to profitability for only $11.99.
And go through the free downloads I’m including here in the P.S. You can change your future without being affected by anything that is going on in the world. It’s called creating your own economy and you can do it as I have done. I have one opening in my Mentor program before I close it until 2020. Is this of interest to you?

Email me any time if you have questions. I’m here to serve you. And please read the post I prepared for you at

Blueprint for Entrepreneurship

To Your Massive Online Success,

P.S. Some free downloads for you!

1) The “Special Mini Happiness & Gratitude Journal” from Melody Wigdahl – Use Code CONNIESFRIENDS to download at no cost.
She is also including a $5 off coupon for anything in her store. I love what she creates for us to use.

2) Alice Seba has free training for you and this is short and to the point… “Boost Your Marketing with Three Simple Daily Tasks” at:

Scroll down to download anything/everything you like at zero cost.

3) The “PLR Success Pack” is from Justin Popovic – turn it into your new product!

4) Sharyn Sheldon shares a report that includes “137 Power Words for High-Converting Copy that Sells”

5) Dennis Becker shares eight original profit-inducing reports with you at:


P.O. Box 800268
Santa Clarita CA 91380

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