Online-Marketing, the opportunities are there if you choose to take

Hi Online-Marketing,

The idea of earning a solid and sustainable income from your home computer is one I will never take for granted. These days many people are doing this easily but when I got started it wasn’t that way. This morning I was reading an article entitled “Middle Age and the Art of Self-Renewal” and it details the life of education reformer Elizabeth Peabody. She was the first woman to be allowed into the Boston public library in the late 1820s, and this permission was rescinded a month later. We must take full advantage of all opportunities that are presented to us if they are ones that will be life changing for us and our families. I have pinned this article to the top of my Twitter feed:

I do hope you will be joining me tomorrow for Angela Wills’ latest training. It’s her “Ideas to Offers” workshop and includes a workbook and the replay, whether you’re able to attend live or not. Angela has a unique approach to business and is building her online empire in a way that you will be able to emulate. I’ll see you there!

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Did you check out “Social Biz BOX”? For $9 today you can learn how to set up social media for yourself and/or for local businesses. My very first public speaking engagement was on how to use social media. It was in 2006 and I spoke to a group of business owners. I got several clients from this talk. Businesses have little interest in learning how to use social media and are willing to pay well for your help.

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Discount Ending in 36 Hours – No Experience Needed for This Additional Revenue Stream…

Amy Harrop is super smart and her new training on setting up a free Etsy store to sell mugs all year round. This is the busiest season and an excellent time to jump in. This is also an excellent family project. – Code EASYETSY brings it down to $17 through tomorrow

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This morning I welcomed my 27,698th (this number increases throughout each day) connection to my LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is very different from any other social media site and is the place where I connect with active people for a multitude of reasons. Sarah Santacroce is now offering her “12 Day LinkedIn Winter Intensive” for only $97. If you didn’t join her this past summer for the Summer Intensive you’ll want to take a closer look at this one.
My Bonus: Come aboard the “12 Day LinkedIn Winter Intensive” and I will promote five pieces of your content to my massive audience of highly responsive connections on LinkedIn. – Begins next Monday, November 4th

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You may have wanted to work closely with me during the past couple of years but couldn’t because of the cost or time commitment. I’ve put together a program I’m calling the “2020 Jump Start.” This is what’s included:

* Mentoring with me during December of 2019 – three private calls and email access
* My “Spring Jump Start” small group program to be held for ten weeks during March, April, and May of 2020
* My “Fall Jump Start” small group program to be held for ten weeks during September, October, and November of 2020
* Your choice of any TWO from my “Really Simple” series – Authority Blogging, Information Products, Affiliate Marketing, or Short Reports
* All products I release on Warrior Plus between now and the end of 2020 (it will be a minimum of four)

The value for what I am offering here is over $2500 USD, even if I offer a coupon for something. This “2020 Jump Start” is available to seven more people (eight spots have already been claimed) at a one time investment of $1295 or a two-pay of $695 twice, no more than thirty days apart. Please let me know if this is of interest to you. This could be the way you and I work together that makes sense for you financially and in terms of how much of your time is needed.
The investment increases if these last 7 spots are not claimed by Friday morning.

Have an excellent Wednesday and email me any time.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green

“A self that goes on changing is a self that goes on living.” ~ Virginia Wolf

P.S. Jim Cockrum is the only person I turn to for help with selling physical products on eBay and Amazon. He’s running a flash sale on the 30+ videos from the live training event he did last month.

P.S. “Publicity Hound” Joan Stewart said I could share her press release training with you.

Also free…

The “PLR Success Pack” is from Justin Popovic – turn it into your new product!

Sharyn Sheldon shares a report that includes “137 Power Words for High-Converting Copy that Sells”


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Santa Clarita CA 91380

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