Online-Marketing, taking a stand and following through

Hi Online-Marketing,

Early this morning my daughter-in-law and I drove over to Santa Clarita to check on some friends and neighbors who stayed behind during the fires. The “Tick Fire” continues to grow and is still only at about ten percent containment. The skies are a color not typically seen in nature and the air is thick with the smell of burnt wood and plastic. The winds have died down but will be back with a vengeance on Sunday and Monday. We hope to do some good work in the community today and help out wherever we are needed before we return to Santa Barbara. Thank you for your ongoing thoughts and prayers.

To know me today you would never believe I had been someone who did not take a stand on issues of importance and seldom followed through on things I started. But that is exactly who I was until coming online in 2006. I realized almost immediately that I was going to have to change from the inside out if I wanted to achieve success. To my pleasant surprise is was much easier than I thought it would be and I’m proud of the person I have become. When I mentor others they are able to follow my example, but in a way that makes sense for them. That way they truly own their achievements.

Let’s talk about product creation today. Information products have never been as popular as they are right now and people all over the world crave information on a multitude of topics and are willing to pay for it.

What if you could create an information product during the next two or three weeks and have it available for sale? Are you up for that challenge? Have it ready by the end of November and I’ll help you promote it.

Where do you begin? I recommend “Evergreen Product Creation” for $9.95 at:

This training will help you get your product ideas out of your head and into an information product that can be sold for years to come.

I like to use PLR – private label rights – content to quickly put together info products. Here is a recommendation for you on a very popular topic. It’s a brand new PLR package called “Vision Board Inspiration for a New Life” from April Lemarr. This could be used to create a new information product for you to sell on its own, or as a bonus for something else you will offer, or even to add to a membership site. It’s only $9.95 this weekend at:

Start with this info product training and the PLR product, or any PLR or original idea you have. Yes, there is more to it than this, but you must begin if you are to advance to the next steps. I will tell you that creating a short sales seller is part of this, and here is the sales copy training I am recommending to all of the people I mentor:

When I was the wishy washy and not so reliable person I told you about earlier, I would have viewed this opportunity as being too much work. Once I changed my mindset I realized this was a massive opportunity. This shift in my thinking and actions has earned me millions of dollars over these past thirteen years and I am grateful to be able to share these steps with you.

Enjoy your weekend. Stay safe and be happy. Email me any time so I may serve you where you are right now.

To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green (Taking a stand and following through!)

Please follow me on Twitter at and on Medium at to see the latest updates.

P.S. Free, Zero, and No Cost!!! from Alice Seba

Free 30-days of social media content with PLR rights:

Free tutorial on turning social media graphics into Instagram videos:

P.P.S. Did you read this post on the “Blueprint for Entrepreneurship:

Blueprint for Entrepreneurship


P.O. Box 800268
Santa Clarita CA 91380

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